Yoon Mi Rae Tweets a Possible K-Pop Comeback?
Korea’s Queen Of Soul and her husband,Tiger JK, are back in the studio! On June 16th, the “Superstar K” judge tweeted a message that gave fans a ray of hope. Yoon Mi Rae was scheduled to make a comeback in the K-Pop world months ago, however, charities, endorsements, and judging with the hubby quickly filled up her days. What is she doing now? Read the following retweet from the Queen to discover her majesty’s plans:
“Excited as he**! RT @konradproducer: working on a track back at the crib for @DrunkenTigerJK and @Yoonmirae … me and @illmindPRODUCER are gonna rip this up! @SmokeyRobotic”
The message was a little vague and leaves much speculation up to the imagination. It could be her song, or a track for another artist they want to take under their wing. Despite all the possiblities, do you think she is planning to make her return to the stage?
Credits: @Yoonmirae and TV Report [Image]