No Min Woo Tweets ARENA Photo

What has our rumored “Full House 2” actor been up to these days? Besides No Min Woo‘s “Ghastly” movie and upcoming fanmeeting, the celebrity is getting his model on! On August 22nd, he tweeted fans to check out the September issue of Arena magazine.The image below was uploaded with his brief message.

Our possible Rain (number two) already has quite the fan base! Read what they had to say about his magazine close-up:

“Min-woossi looks great in this picture,rarely can see you in a suit but you are stunning ,your” Hwanjas” must be proud of you !:))”

“you really make my heart beat faster and faster 😉 i love you NO MIN WOO!”

“it’s beautiful picture you look so stunning”

What do you think?

Credit: @ROCKOUT529

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