![[ONLY SOOMPI] PHOTOS OF BIG BANG’S NEW ALBUM 2/3](https://www.soompi.com/wp-content/uploads/c/4/7u/365628/365628.jpg?w=140&h=140&crop=1?s=900x600&e=t)
Spread the word—we’re the ONLY source in the BIG BANG CONSTELLATION to unveil these exclusive photos! Share away, Tweet away, Get the word out VIPs!!!! Event sponsored by YG Entertainment.
The Exclusive album photos will be released in three batches over the next few hours.
Batch 1/3 – Album, Front Cover, Seungri and TOP CD booklet pages [RELEASED] http://bit.ly/f8jqK1
Batch 2/3 – G-Dragon, Tae Yang and Dae Sung CD booklet pages
Batch 3/3 – Album front and back cover, the CD, Group CD booklet images [Released] http://bit.ly/hXNjNg
Join the Exclusive Big Bang Contest at http://bit.ly/soompi_BigBang_Exclusive
Tae Yang CD booklet page
Tae Yang’s individual picture
G-Dragon’s CD booklet page
G-Dragon’s individual picture
Join the Exclusive Big Bang Contest at http://bit.ly/soompi_BigBang_Exclusive
G-Dragon’s 2nd individual picture
Dae Sung’s individual picture
Dae Sung CD booklet page (left side)
Dae Sung CD booklet page (right side)
Stay connected for the final batch and CD cover coming soon . . .
Download all the latest tracks through this direct link:
Get chances to win a personalized signed CD made out to you by Big Bang or a personalized shout-out in the Exclusive Big Bang Comeback Contest hosted by Soompi sponsored by YG Entertainment
Contest Link http://bit.ly/soompi_BigBang_Exclusive
Check out the ongoing discussion in the forums.
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