Single Review: A Pink - "MY MY"
When technology becomes stale and overused, more often than not people look to the past for inspiration, and with their newest release, A Pink have proved that it indeed works.
“MY MY” is reminiscent of the likes of S.E.S. and other groups during the early 2000’s, who also drew influences from Western pop groups and pop soloists from the later 1990’s. They’ve updated the sound using all the modern recording technologies available today, but without loosing the distinct bubblegum pop features.
It all begins with their vocals, how they were recorded, and how they were treated. If you listen to recordings of similar S.E.S songs, you’ll notice that they have similar treatments, only that A Pink’s vocals are smoother and clearer, but still have that slight “blur” or echo, which makes it sound like they recorded the song in something like a bathroom. (They didn’t, but you get my point!) That kind of vocal treatment also allows their voices, individually and as a group, to stand out, and to explain it without getting technical, this treatment hardly modifies their original vocals.
The good part of looking to the past, in terms of recording and material, is the fact that due to the lack of technology, well, as opposed to today’s almost limitless amount, is that most of the time, people had to make do with what they had, and in doing that, they managed to do things in the most ingenious and creative ways. Taking that creativity and placing it in a more modern setting, is exactly what A Pink have done with “MY MY.”
They know that the cutesy sound not only works for them, but for their sales as well, and although it has been used countless times before by countless other, probably more popular, artists, it’s in the way A Pink carried the song that they hit the jackpot.
The melody not only suits their vocals on the recording, but it’s also simple enough for them to carry well live. And even with the simplicity of the melody, they managed to make it appealing, and rather pretty as well. Creativity isn’t just being able to put a million different things into one song, it’s also being able to take something basic, something simple, and turn it into a strong, appealing song.
“MY MY”, the song, paired with the look and concept, is definitely an improvement from their debut single, and the future looks bright for A Pink.