Under The Radar - Park Sae Byul
박새별 (Park Sae Byul) [Singer, songwriter]
Management: Antenna Music
Born: October 24, 1985
Education: Yonsei University, Bachelor of Psychology
Career: ‘문화콘서트 난장’ MC
Cyworld: www.cyworld.com/saebyul
Singer and songwriter Park Sae Byul released her first single “Diary” in late 2008. Not until this year did she release her first album “Forget Me Not”. Park Sae Byul is currently an MC for MBC’s Nanjang and this coming August, she will be having her first concert.
With each song that she sings, Park Sae Byul’s voice is soothing and relaxing. Her music style, while it differs from track to track, generally has a touch of soul. This is especially seen through her third track, “Maybe in Love”, with a catchy rhythm and smooth call and response of the chorus. Throughout most of her songs, the harmonies are mostly jazz-oriented. Though some of her tracks may sound a tad boring at the at first, you’ll definitely come to appreciate the slow, relaxing tempo and Park Sae Byul’s resonating and clear voice. Her ability to hit high notes and control her voice with every vocal nuance certainly highlights her vocal potential. This is also seen through her breathtaking live performances. In some, she demonstrates great rhythmic abilities and coordination as she accompanies her own voice with a piano. Furthermore, Sae Byul’s precise intonation and calming stage presence are winning the audience. Even if there isn’t a live performance to watch, with a set of earphones and an open mind, you’ll surely come to love her music.
Diary (Single)
Released: 2008.11.13
01. 비온 후 갬
02. Can You Hear Me?*
03. 참 아름다워
04. 하루, 일년 그리고..
05. 우린 날 수 있어요*
결혼식 후에 OST
Released: 2009.12.08
05. 그날, 그곳, 그때부터 – 박새별
Vol.1 물망초
Released: 2010.03.29
01. 그대는 아는지
02. 사랑인가요*
03. 엄마는 다알아
04. 솜사탕
05. 물망초*
06. 잃어버리다
07. 괜찮아요
08. 해피송*
09. Remember Me*
10. Seasky
Super Junior + Park Sae Byul – Bonamana Remix Live
Super Junior + Park Sae Byul – You and Me Again
Super Junior + Park Sae Byul – Is this Love
Maybe In Love/Is this love (Live)
Forget Me Not
Can You Hear Me (Audio)
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