"Weekly Idol" Spotlight – The One With The Rare Guests
Previously, I wrote an article listing out the must-watch episodes from “Weekly Idol” regulars – those who had appeared on the variety show at least eight times or more. This time around, we shine a spotlight on the episodes with the rare guests: the ones who have only appeared once or twice in the show’s six-year run. These guests are considered the “big guns”; they’re very well-established and respected in the K-pop scene, where it might be considered strange that they would appear on a variety show such as “Weekly Idol.” But to whoever or whatever convinced them to appear on the show, we thank them from the bottom of our fangirl/fanboy hearts. So enjoy these episodes, because we know it’ll be a while before we may see them visit the show again, if ever.

Super Junior
Date aired: September 12 & 19, 2012
Promoting: “SPY”
Despite only having four members on the show, there were enough hilarious moments to fill two episodes with laughter. As they didn’t know when the episode would be airing, they filmed greetings for Chuseok (Mid Autumn Festival), Christmas, New Year’s, and the following week. Now we just need the whole group to visit, and we would probably have enough material for four episodes!
- Eunhyuk and Leeteuk comparing the results of waxing and laser hair removal.
- When asked which foot was raised first when dancing to “Sorry, Sorry,” Eunhyuk’s immediate answer was, “It depends on whether you’re left-footed or right-footed.”
- Leeteuk’s profile time suddenly became a time to make fun of Kyuhyun.
- Eunhyuk using his tongue to touch the tip of his nose!
- The cold-blooded visual rankings (Regarding Siwon, Kyuhyun said, “He has no charms, but his visual is No.1!”)
- When Ryeowook was asked to say something mean to Defconn, he said, “But I don’t know him well.”
- The ending game of bouncing on the yoga ball, where Super Junior members (mainly Leeteuk) were continuously tipped over (That man is flexible!).
Watch the episode here:
Date aired: July 10, 2013
Promoting: “Wolf”
EXO has been on “Weekly Idol” twice, and this episode is their first outing (their second one aired only a few weeks later). At the beginning of the episode, Defconn and Jung Hyung Don had to guess which members belonged in EXO-K and EXO-M, and the ones who were placed in the wrong group got to hit the MCs with a rubber hammer. When it came to Chen, he asked Defconn, “Isn’t my Korean fluent?” and raised the hammer to swing it down hard, before revealing he was indeed an EXO-M member.
- Halfway through demonstrating their superpowers, Defconn asked, “Do we look crazy right now?”
- The four members with the less impressive superpowers were grouped together to form the “natural disasters” group (Suho’s water, Chen’s lightning, Chanyeol’s fire, and Sehun’s wind). They were then continuously summoned by Donnie to add an embarrassing but funny effect.
- Lay, who has the power to heal, very earnestly healed Donnie’s surgery wound, as well as all the members who got hit by the rubber hammer.
- Tao starting out his martial arts demonstration very charismatically, but only to end with his signature silliness.
- Lay revealing that he was ticklish in the neck, only to have the MCs take advantage and half of the other members rolling on the floor laughing.
Watch part of the episode here:
Date aired: November 6 & 13, 2013
Promoting: “The Red Shoes”
IU bravely told her entertainment company she wanted to appear on “Weekly Idol,” and I’m sure it was a day to remember! She sang, she danced, she displayed supernatural abilities, and she ate beef. A lot of beef! It was also a day to remember for Donnie, when he realized the netizens would be out to crucify him for hitting the “Nation’s Little Sister,” and prepared his goodbye speech and exit from the show.
- IU’s “punishment” for when she failed the Random Play Dance was to have a meal with Donnie and Connie. Donnie was so keen for her to get it wrong that he personally went to change the songs every few seconds, eventually even playing Sunmi’s “24 Hours.”
- When IU rotated her palms 360 degrees (that freaked me out!)
- IU had to choose who she wanted to hit her with the rubber hammer, so the two MCs demonstrated their strength for her on each other!
- IU’s immense love for beef and not bothering to be lady-like about it (You go girl!). She sang while chewing on beef, making chomping noises; stuffing a huge piece of beef into her mouth; and continuing to eat beef all the way till the closing comments.
- Her closing comments, while chewing beef, “I’ll be going to get an MRI after this.”
Watch part of the episode here:
Wonder Girls
Date aired: August 12, 2015
Promoting: “I Feel You”
This episode introduced us to Wonder Girls the band, rather than Wonder Girls the dance group. It was a novel concept change, and one that showed their hard work and determination. There were so many good things about this episode, like Yeeun’s gorgeous outfit (Where can I get that?), Sunmi being in very high spirits in general, and Sunmi and Yeeun rapping!
- When asked what gifts they wanted if they succeeded in the Random Play Dance, Yeeun’s answer was for the MCs to feature in one for their songs, as the onscreen captions say, “Isn’t that a punishment?”
- Yubin started drumming halfway through the Random Play Dance even though a dance song was playing.
- Yeeun and Yubin slaying when they danced to Sunmi’s “24 hours.”
- The shout-outs to their company founder Park Jin Young, including Hyerim shouting, “Stop with the weird vocal exercises!”
Watch part of the episode here:
Girls’ Generation
Date aired: August 19 & 26 in 2015
Promoting: “Party”
The fact that Girls’ Generation guested on the show was amazing enough, but the shenanigans that occurred during the episode made it even better. This is also the episode where YoonA‘s display of cuteness later became the go-to demonstration video for the show.
- The girls were so engrossed with discussing which songs to eliminate from their Random Play Dance set list that they couldn’t hear what the MCs were saying to them.
- The translations and interpretations for/of Tiffany.
- When the girls became competitive and took off their heels to change into comfortable foot wear.
- When they could no longer remove songs from the set list, they proceeded to remove members. In the end, members from the dance line (except for YoonA) were removed, the irony being Sooyoung and Yuri were the most excited and confident for this corner.
- Taeyeon driving around in the mini car and actually being able to fit herself in completely!
- Yuri’s “sexy dumpling dance” (who would’ve thought dumplings could be sexy?!)
- Sooyoung’s aegyo, which still makes me laugh even when I think about it now!
Watch the episode here:
Park Jin Young
Date aired: April 20 & 27, 2016
Promoting: “Still Alive”
Who would’ve ever thought Park Jin Young, the founder of JYP entertainment, would grace the basement studio with his presence! Park Jin Young smiled, laughed, and clapped like a seal throughout the episode, completing whatever tasks the MCs threw at him. He may be a “Big Gun,” but his great attitude is definitely one for his juniors to emulate.
- His constant sweatiness (I feel you!)
- His love for organic rice cakes.
- Heechul’s love for JYP, both the person and the company.
- How Idol Call Centre basically consisted of phone calls from only GOT7’s Jackson.
- When Heechul suggested Park Jin Young add his signature “J-Y-P” chant before starting the aegyo song. Which he did.
- When Jackson popped in and they played a game of airing grievances.
Jackson: “You once gave me two boxes of organic green tea, but after I finished it and asked you for more, you wouldn’t buy them for me anymore.”
Park Jin Young: “I can’t keep buying them for you, can I?”
Park Jin Young: “I thought I was very special to you since you always treated me very warmly and respectfully. Then when I watched TV, I saw you treating all the other hyungs (older brothers or those more senior) like this, so I realized I’m actually not that special.”
Jackson: “That’s not true! I never asked the others to buy me organic green tea!”
- At the end of the show, Park Jin Young asked, “Just what am I doing here?”
Watch part of the episode here:
Akdong Musician
Date aired: June 1, 2016
Promoting: “Re-Bye”
This was the first time that the siblings appeared on a variety show, and Akdong Musician showed their adorable sibling chemistry by hilariously dissing each other and more!
- When the siblings were adamant they had just made up a synchronized dance on the spot, Kim Heechul exclaimed, “You’re actually ‘Akdong Swindlers’ aren’t you?”
- The siblings dancing brilliantly to BIGBANG, GD X Taeyang, and iKON’s songs (Does Yang Hyung Suk train all their artists in each others’ choreography?!)
- Before starting their game against Heechul and Hani, Connie asked the siblings, “Don’t you two say good luck?” and the siblings simultaneously answered, “No.”
- When Chan Hyuk danced to TWICE’s “Cheer Up,” Soo Hyun was weirded out and asked, “What’s wrong with him?”
- For his ending comments,
Chan Hyuk: “During the second half, I realized what good people Connie, Heechul and Hani were.”
Connie: “So we were terrible people during the first half?”
Watch the episode here:
Date aired: October 12, 2016
Promoting: “1 of 1”
Even though SHINee has been on the show a total of three times, their last appearance was in 2013, so this episode was a welcomed return! As the members and the MCs know each other fairly well, the guns quickly came out and shots after shots were fired. This made the opening introductions alone a joy to watch!
- Onew‘s infamous finger flick made a welcome(?) appearance.
- Key trying his best to shift the blame of dancing incorrectly onto others, even at one point claiming, “Minho’s facial expression didn’t look right.” In the end, they played rock, paper, scissors to decide, and the loser was…Key!
- No one remembered the exact choreography to “Amigo.” While everyone was still confused about who was right and who was wrong, Taemin deftly threw the other members under the bus and saved himself from punishment.
- After another round of rock, paper, scissors (the official deciding game for SHINee), Onew was selected to perform the aegyo song. The other four celebrated as if they had just won the Grand Prize.
Watch the episode here:
Date aired: December 7 & 14, 2016
Promoting: “Couple” (2016 Version)
It was a beautiful day when SECHSKIES walked into the basement studio. Everything seemed brighter and yellower due to all the yellow balloons and raincoats filling the studio, welcoming the return of the first generation idols! Their 2x speed dance was also amazing to watch, especially since they have an average age of 37.8, AND they danced to more than 1 song.
- A medical team was on standby just in case the “old” idols couldn’t handle it.
- SECHSKIES members were very easily distracted by the balloons, the flying lint from Sung Hoon’s sweater, and by themselves in general.
- While doing the Random Play Dance, Ji Won had very busy eyes, either to keep track of the choreography or to “discreetly” signal instructions to his members.
- Ji Won was baited into taking the punishment instead of his younger members.
- Jae Jin doing the aegyo song in his pterodactyl voice and Ji Won bursting out laughing (I apparently have the same childlike sense of humour).
- The game of moving an apple down the body ended up with two grown men wriggling on the floor.
- The game of passing the phrases along while wearing headphones (“This is the first time I’ve heard of that phrase in my life!”)
Watch the episode below:
Date aired: January 4 & 11, 2017
Promoting: “FXXK IT”
After years of asking them to appear, and using G-Dragon’s solo appearance to con him into signing a contract that made him promise to bring all five members to “Weekly Idol,” BIGBANG finally made an appearance in mini vehicles, no less!
- And the sacrificial lamb was…Seungri! When the MCs ganged up on Seungri, the others said something nice about him, only to then diss him themselves.
- T.O.P getting slapped in the face by the jump rope!
- When they started dancing to each others’ solo songs during Random Play Dance.
- Seungri’s freestyle rap, which went from funny to embarrassing to funny again.
- T.O.P and his voice mail to his fans eight years ago, which was recorded while he was completely sober.
- When the members danced to girl group songs!
- A super restless and way too excited T.O.P.
- This exchange –
Donnie: “If you don’t want to do the 2x speed dance, then you’ll have to visit again soon.”
G-Dragon: “(after some consideration) Very well, we’ll appear again.”
Donnie: “Are you sure? You’ll visit again? T.O.P, do you want to do the dance or visit again?”
T.O.P: “I’ll visit again AND I want to do the dance.”
- Daesung slaying during his part in the 2x speed dance!
Watch the episode below:
Date aired: January 18 & 25, 2017
Promoting: “Touch”
Right on the heels of the BIGBANG episodes were the Shinhwa episodes. The opening imitated the dance opening from “X-Man,” a popular variety show from when Shinhwa were still rookies. That was only the beginning of what would turn into two great episodes, again proving that Shinhwa are definitely variety idols.
- Hyesung, who won the show’s 2016 Grand Prize, was goaded into buying coffee for the whole studio, but in the end didn’t get a drink himself.
- Eric‘s brave comments about how 2x speed dance would be too easy for Shinhwa, and that they should at least try 4x speed. After hearing their music being played at 2x speed:
Hyesung: “Quickly apologize!”
Eric: “(bows deeply) I’m sorry!”
- The Eric vs. Hyesung battle over who was the worse dancer, when any Shinhwa fan knows the battle is usually between Hyseung and Dongwan. (Eric’s terrible memory though!)
- Eric saying, “I only realized the song was ‘Wild Eyes’ after it had finished playing. There were no chairs, that’s why.”
- Tired Eric and Hyesung leaning on the youngest member Andy for support. In fact, Eric practically kept in physical contact with Andy for a large portion of the show.
- Their most synchronized dancing appeared when they were dancing to each others’ solo songs, not Shinhwa’s songs.
- After Minwoo danced a girl grouhttps://www.viki.com/celebrities/14570pr-kim-dong-wan?utm_source=soompi&utm_medium=feature&utm_campaign=weekly-idol-spotlight-one-rare-guests&utm_content_id=1004181wppp?utm_source=soompi&utm_medium=feature&utm_campaign=weekly-idol-spotlight-one-rare-guests&utm_content_id=1004181wpp cover dance, Donnie says, “Actually everyone knows, when we’re talking about dancing, we have to talk about
Jun JinEric!” - Dong Wan suddenly kissing Hyesung on the lips during the acting portion, and Hyesung going after him with a stool in a fit of rage.
- The aegyo portion where Andy turned it into a scene from a horror movie, while Hyesung started break dancing. The thing they both did in common – leave marks (tracks from Andy’s jeans and Hyesung’s face print) on the white floor.
- The 2x speed dance of “Wild Eyes” (screeeeaaaaam!).
- Having fun with just six neck pillows. (Only Shinhwa!)
Watch the episode below:
Date aired: May 3, 2017
Promoting: “Really Really”
WINNER’s episode will not only be remembered for the members’ charm, but also for the “cameo” from YG Entertainment’s founder Yang Hyun Suk. The back and forth messaging between him and the two MCs were a riot, and showed his sense of humor.
- Sacrificial lamb Seung Hoon’s embarrassing tweets, which excessively flattered Yang Hyun Suk, were read out aloud. The phrases would continue to haunt him for the rest of the show.
- Seung Hoon was revealed to be working at YG Entertainment as a member of the senior staff!
- The randomness of putting matchsticks on eyelashes, to determine whose eyelashes were longer.
- Seung Yoon was so involved in his task of making a phone case that he never looked up once even with all the commotion and pandemonium. The only time he looked up was when Lovelyz member Kei’s aegyo was being played.
Watch the Random Play Dance here:
Hey Soompiers, which groups or solo acts did we miss in this list? And who else are you looking forward to that have yet to appear on the show? Vote below and tell us which episode(s) you enjoyed the most!
Belinda_C is a freelance writer who enjoys watching all variety shows. She also loves Shinhwa!