Label SJ Responds To Sungmin's Withdrawal From Super Junior Album
In response to Sungmin’s recent apology to fans and his declaration that he will not be participating in Super Junior’s upcoming album, Label SJ released an official statement about Sungmin’s decision as well as his future activities.
Here is the full statement:
“Hello, this is Label SJ (SM Entertainment).
“This is our statement regarding Sungmin’s post today about his activities.
“Label SJ has decided to respect Sungmin’s decision not to participate in Super Junior’s album.
“From the beginning, Super Junior was created as a group that could be flexible with its members, and as a result, Super Junior has seen love and success across the globe, able to promote in a variety of ways.
“Super Junior is currently preparing for an album, with hopes to release it in October, and the label is doing its best to help Super Junior carry out promotions that are better than ever before.
“Though Sungmin isn’t participating in the album this time around, Label SJ will fully support all of Sungmin’s future activities.
“Thank you to all the fans who have loved Super Junior for so long, and we ask for your continued love and support for all of the Super Junior members.”
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