Watch: Upcoming

There’s no stopping these players when they’re so close to victory!

In a teaser for the upcoming October 28 episode of SBS’s “Master Key,” the newest cast members appear to be relentless as they play various games in order to find out which people hold “the master key.”

This upcoming episode will feature SEVENTEEN’s Mingyu, EXID’s Hani, Block B’s P.O, B1A4’s CNU, Lee Elijah. and returning players Super Junior’s Eunhyuk, FTISLAND’s Lee Hong Ki, 2PM’s Chansung, Super Junior-M’s Henry, Lee Soo Geun, Jun Hyun Moo, and Kim Jong Min.

The preview briefly shows how Hani, Lee Hong Ki, and Lee Elijah are not afraid to use their strength when needed while hinting at the games they will be playing. around Mingyu is shown commenting, “It’s really enormous,” and Hani appears to ask Kim Jong Min, “Am I okay?” while passing him a “timed bomb” as a part of a game.

As you wait for the next episode to air at its regular time, 6:10 p.m. KST, on Saturday, October 28, check out the previous episode below!

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