B1A4's Gongchan Apologizes For Misunderstanding On Twitter
B1A4’s Gongchan has apologized on Twitter for the controversy surrounding his online conversation with VIXX’s Hongbin.
On November 12, Gongchan and Hongbin exchanged public tweets discussing the possibility of going on vacation together. When Gongchan asked Hongbin to send over his schedule, Hongbin responded jokingly, “Send me your bank account first,” later adding, “Then give me your credit card, I’ll take care of making all the plans.” In reply, Gongchan joked, “Hey, the fans want your bank account number. Try posting it for just 0.5 seconds. Let’s leave our travel and lodging to the fans, okay?”
The tweet quickly became controversial, and Gongchan deleted it shortly afterwards. He then took to Twitter to post an apology for any misunderstanding he might have caused.
Gongchan wrote, “Hello, this is B1A4’s Gongchan. First, I’d like to apologize to the fans who were hurt by what I said. While chatting with my close friend Hongbin, I should have realized while reading fans’ feeds that my tweet would be seen by many people and could be interpreted in different ways, but Ifailed to do so.”
안녕하세요 B1A4 공찬입니다.
먼저 마음 상하셨을 팬분들께 죄송한 말씀드립니다.
친한 친구인 홍빈이와의 대화중 팬분들의 피드를 읽으면서 편하게 주고받는 대화에서 많은 분들이 보고 계시는 이 멘션이 생각에 따라 다르게 해석될 수 있다는 점을 인지하고 신중했어야 했는데 그렇지 못했습니다.— 공찬 (@B1A4_gongchan) November 11, 2017
He went on, “The misunderstanding arose from the tweet about the bank account, which appeared [to some people] as though I meant that we would use fans’ resources for our travel expenses. I completely understand that different people might interpret words differently. Because I often search for fans’ mentions [to me], I felt that I should speak up for the fans who are hurt, so I will try to explain, even if [this message] is long.
보는 분들에 따라서 글의 받아들이는 의미가 다를 수 있다는 것 또한 충분히 지금 이해하고 있습니다. 팬분들의 멘션을 평소에도 많이 서치를 하기 때문에
지금 상처를 받고 있는 팬분들을 위해서 말씀드리는 게 맞는 것 같아서 길지만 이야기해보려 합니다.— 공찬 (@B1A4_gongchan) November 11, 2017
“When Hongbin and I were talking about going on vacation, Hongbin asked me for my bank account number and credit card. When I read Hongbin’s message, I thought, ‘What is he saying? Oh… he’s joking that he’ll use my account and card to pay for everything.’ So I was about to joke back that I would use Hongbin’s card to pay for everything when I saw fans’ replies saying, ‘Tell us Hongbin’s bank account number, and we’ll decide.'”
그래서 저는 홍빈이의 카드로 여행 비용을 결제하자고 저도 장난으로 맞받아치려고 하던 중에 팬분들의 멘션을 보다가 홍빈이의 계좌를 알려달라 우리가 정하겠다는 글을 보았습니다.
— 공찬 (@B1A4_gongchan) November 11, 2017
“When I saw that, I thought the fans were making the same joke as I was, that Hongbin should pay for everything. So I posted the tweet to Hongbin telling him to reveal his bank account number and let the fans decide where we would go and stay for our vacation.”
“It seems that something I said casually while conversing with a friend has hurt the feelings of many people. Therefore, I want to apologize once again for not having been more careful as a public figure. In the future, I will strive to become someone who is more cautious on thinking before I speak.”
친구와의 대화이다 보니 편하게 이야기한 것이 많은 분들에게 마음을 다치게 한 것 같아 다시 한번 공인으로써 신중하지 못한 점 반성하며 죄송한 말씀드립니다.
앞으로 좀 더 신중하게 생각하고 말하는 공찬이 되도록 더욱더 노력하겠습니다.— 공찬 (@B1A4_gongchan) November 11, 2017