Police Release Update On Investigation Of Car Accident Involving Girls' Generation's Taeyeon
The police have released a follow-up report to their preliminary statement following a three-car accident involving Girls’ Generation’s Taeyeon that took place on November 28.
Taeyeon was summoned to the Gangnam Police Station on December 2 and was questioned for approximately 20 minutes, during which she admitted to being at fault for causing the accident as she was not paying attention to the road in front of her. The singer is also said to have stated that she is currently working with insurance companies to compensate the victims for the damages caused, and that she is making the effort to ensure a speedy recovery and compensation.
She was also questioned about her dog that was in the car with her, which some alleged had been involved in causing the accident. Taeyeon is said to have stated, “Though I did have a three-month-old dog in the car with me, the dog was sleeping inside its crate. The dog had nothing to do with the accident.”
So far, the police have only spoken to the taxi driver who was one of the victims of the accident. The other victims have not been questioned as they are still undergoing treatment and have yet to submit their medical reports.
As the cause of the accident does not fall under the category of the “11 types of gross negligence” under the Act on Special Cases concerning the Settlement of Traffic Accidents and as the accident is being handled through comprehensive insurance, the case will most likely close with no prosecutions after the investigation is concluded.
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