QUIZ: How Well Do You Know Super Junior?
When someone says “elf,” do you first think of a mystical creature or a huge gathering of Super-Junior-loving people? If you’re the latter, then you show the symptoms of being in love with a bunch of adorkable K-pop royalty. Over the past 12 years, Super Junior has enjoyed immense success, recognition, and popularity, but have also braved through their share of hardships and criticisms. And through it all, even though they constantly joke that they’re merely a “business group,” they’ve shown us what true brotherhood looks like!
So show off your ELF colors, and prove to everyone how much you know Super Junior!
Note: The questions refer to all 11 current members, both active and inactive.
How did you do on the quiz? And who is your SUJU bias? Drop your comments below and let us know!
Belinda_C loved watching SUJU on all the variety shows. She can’t wait till 6 years later to see Dong Hae make his rounds again (LOL). She also loves Shinhwa.