QUIZ: Which Pre-Debut K-Pop Idol Photo Are You?
When you look at K-idols’ pre-debut photos, it’s impossible to escape without cringing at least once. Their strange hairstyles, questionable fashion, and derpy expressions never fail to make us laugh and remind us that, yes, they are indeed human. Isn’t that what makes idols’ dark pasts so fun? To discover which K-pop idol’s pre-debut photo resonates with your soul, go ahead and take this quiz!
Who did you get? Which idol do you think has the most embarrassing yet awesome pre-debut photo? Be sure to leave your answers in the comments below!
jadicus35 is a ordinary college student by day, and a not-so-closet fangirl by night. She spends her time on Tumblr when she’s not (but really should be) studying and/or pretending to be a functional human being.