8 Times Idols Used Sign Language To Communicate With Fans

Pop quiz! Besides Korean, what is the other official language of Korea? Answer: Korean sign language! If you’ve ever watched a Korean news broadcast, you’ve probably seen Korean sign language in action. As the influence of sign language has grown around the world, so has its usage in K-pop! Music is a universal language that transcends all differences and barriers, and sign language only helps to further the enjoyment that music brings. Check out our list of eight times idols used sign language to help communicate with their fans!

AOA’s Seolhyun and MeloMance’s Kim Min Suk

Dingo is known for their sign language collabs, and this medley by AOA’s Seolhyun and MeloMance’s Kim Min Suk is music to the ears and a delight to watch.


BTOB uses sign language in their original choreography for “Missing You,” and it was revealed that it was the members’ idea to incorporate sign language into their choreography. The lyrics “I miss you,” “passes by,” and “one year” are all in sign language.


Known for their powerful vocals and huge hearts, the sign language incorporated into their newest song “Starry Night” isn’t the first time they took the extra step to go above and beyond to communicate with their fans.

In this video, Wheein uses sign language to communicate with a deaf fan.



An adorable song about first love, watching it in sign language makes the song even sweeter!


T-ara uses sign language in their chorus for “TIAMO.” Check out their video showcasing the key choreography below!

Red Velvet

For their “Red Flavor” music video, Red Velvet learned sign language! If you’ve ever watched a Korean news broadcast, you’ve probably seen a translator on the corner of the screen signing. Similarly, at the beginning of the video towards the right side, you can see the members of Red Velvet translating the “news” into sign language!

f(x)’s Luna

After receiving a letter from a deaf fan who told her that even though he could not hear her, he still enjoyed her performances, f(x)’s Luna decided to do her last performance on “Immortal Song” in sign language.

SECHKIES’s Kang Sung Hoon

This interaction with a deaf fan at a fansign event is sure to warm even the coldest hearts!

Bonus: Insooni


Insooni isn’t a K-pop idol, but she also incorporated sign language into one of her performances.

Hey Soompiers, which performance or interaction do you love the most? Let us know in the comments below!

mayme22’s favorite Bible verses at the moment is Psalm 91:2.

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