QUIZ: Which 'Guardians Of The Galaxy' Character Are You?

The “Guardians Of The Galaxy” franchise is filled with awesome music, excitement, vibrancy, and has a lot of sassy, kick-ass, smart, and relatable characters. Which is exactly how some of us would describe the K-world as well. (Who knew these two entities would have so much in common?) And who knows, with Marvel’s fascination with South Korea in the recent years, it wouldn’t be the strangest thing to hear K-pop playing in one their maany future movies, yes?

So if you’re wondering which character you most resemble, or just looking for a silly quiz to do, then you’re at the right place!

 Which character did you get? Let us know in the comments below!

Belinda_C got Nebula! Oops… She also had fun sneaking in references to her biases in the quiz.

All-time favorite:Running Man
Currently watching: “SVT Club,” “2 Days & 1 Night” and “Will This Do Well Locally”
Looking forward to: THIS and THIS!

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