Watch: BTOB's Vocal Line Shows Off Their Impressive Rapping Skills On "Idol Room"
BTOB’s vocal line proved that they are not just talented singers, but rappers as well.
The vocal line members Hyunsik, Eunkwang, Sungjae, and Changsub first talked about how they each had a lot of pride in their rapping skills. Eunkwang talked about how sad he was that there had been no “High School Rapper” back when they were trainees.
The rap line members then mentioned that Hyunsik and Sungjae were especially good, and how Sungjae had been both a rapper and a vocalist during their trainee days, even getting evaluated on his rapping skills and writing his own lyrics.
The MCs then created a small segment called “Rap of Korea,” a parody of “Voice of Korea,” where Defconn would swivel around to face the members if he liked their rapping. The MC turned out to be a very prickly judge however, as he rejected all the members for various hilarious reasons like not liking the topic of the lyrics, for the lyrics being too long, and more.
The four members then rapped to BewhY’s “Forever” together, showing a swag-filled, BTOB-esque beagle energy-filled performance.
Watch their full rap battle below!