Mir Makes Appearance On G.O's Latest Vlog And Reminisces About MBLAQ
G.O and Mir recently had the chance to see each other.
On YouTube, G.O uploaded a video on his channel that he shares with his girlfriend Choi Ye Seul. In the video, they are seen attending a store opening for a friend. When they arrive, they are greeted by Mir. G.O and Mir are visibly happy to see each other.
About halfway into the video, G.O and Mir both look into the camera while trying on glasses. G.O remarks, “You are even more handsome,” to which Mir responds that he lost around 18 pounds.
As they move to a cafe and continue to catch up, G.O says, “It’s so good to see you. The fans really miss you since you don’t post much on social media. Are you thinking of coming back?” Mir mentions how he’s had a lot of time to think. “Now that I’m alone, I have a lot of thoughts about what to do.”
He continues, “When we were in MBLAQ, we traveled a lot. We would wake up and travel to a different country. Or, we would sleep and wake up and be in another city. I was so used to that. But, when I try to do it myself…it’s like wait, how do I do this.” G.O chimes in and says, “I regret not taking pictures.” Mir agrees and states, “The only things that last are photos.”
They also talk about how accomplishing little things such as booking their own tickets, has been exciting. Towards the end of the video, G.O suggests they meet up the next time Mir is back in Seoul. Mir comments how he used to be such a homebody but now he wants to be out and about. The two discuss a potential trip in the near future, and Mir mentions, “It doesn’t even have to be abroad, it could be local.”
As they are saying their goodbyes, G.O jokingly says to Mir, “Don’t notice the camera too much, then you won’t be able to return on screen.”
Watch the heartwarming clip below!