Goo Hara's Boyfriend Gives Interview And Claims Fight Was One-Sided
Goo Hara’s boyfriend has given his side of the story.
On September 13, the Gangnam Police Station stated that a 27-year-old hair designer identified as “Goo Hara’s boyfriend” reported an alleged assault made at Goo Hara’s home at 3:30 a.m. Reportedly, her boyfriend broke up with her, to which she responded violently, and her claim is that it was two-sided violence.
Two days later, on September 15, her boyfriend gave an interview to media outlet Chosun Ilbo and talked about the incident from his perspective. He stated, “I was the one who wanted to break up first due to differences in personality. Her claims that it was two-sided violence are not true.”
He then confessed that he didn’t realize their fight would become such a huge issue and decided to give the interview due to reports made by the media that held false information about him.
After revealing that the two started a relationship after meeting on set of “My Mad Beauty Diary,” he denied the rumors that he had broken into her home. He stated that the password to her home’s front door was a combination of the date of their first meeting and another number. He also maintained, “Wouldn’t the SUV I own being registered at that villa be proof alone?”
He then confirmed the reports that Goo Hara had allegedly assaulted him after he wanted to end their relationship. He claimed, “Before I clocked out from work, I sent her a message that said, ‘Let’s break up.’ When she called me asking when I’d be home, I answered, ‘When the time is right.’ After coming home a little after midnight, we had an argument in the dressing room. I was assaulted then, and after grabbing my things, I reported [the incident] to the police.”
Her boyfriend then stated that he hadn’t been able to go to work due to reporters flooding the place.
He then added, “I’ve never raised a fist at someone in my life. What’s more, I’ve never done so to a woman. If Goo Hara really did have bruises, then it’s because there was physical contact when I tried to calm her down as she hit and scratched me. It was not caused directly by my fist or other violence. I swear.”
When asked about rumors that he had gone into hiding and was avoiding calls from the police, he commented, “There’s no reason for me to go into hiding. However, I’ve yet to answer to the police because I’m still in shock. Some of the media’s comments like ‘If it’s Goo Hara, just live while being hit,’ and the claims that it was two-sided violence were shocking to see. Currently, no one has helped me. I’m not answering calls because I just don’t know what to do. My body and mind are in a very painful state. I was confused, and I couldn’t find anyone to give legal advice, but I will cooperate as much as I can with the police investigation with a lawyer I found through the help of an acquaintance.”
Finally, when asked if he would like to say anything to Goo Hara, he expressed disappointment in himself and Goo Hara, and asked for a sincere apology.
In response to her boyfriend’s interview, Goo Hara’s agency stated, “We have not been able to contact Goo Hara yet. Because this has to do with her private life, it’s hard to confirm if it was two-sided violence or not.” They continued, “Goo Hara is currently in the hospital. She’s being looked after by her family and undergoing treatment.”