Byul Explains Why HaHa Is Waiting For Their Relationship To Cool Down
Byul appeared on the December 3 broadcast of SBS’s “Same Bed Different Dreams – You Are My Destiny” as a special MC and talked more about her relationship with HaHa.
The panel first mentioned a “shocking comment” that Byul made in the past that her love with HaHa has never been passionate and heated.
Byul said, “I don’t think of it as a shocking comment. I said it pretty casually, but the people who’ve heard it have been really surprised.” Turning to the guests on the show, she asked, “Is everyone that passionate?”
The drama-like “passion” isn’t really her style, said Byul. “Say I woke up and my husband were looking down on me saying I was beautiful, or had his chin propped up on his hands watching me eat; I’m not into that kind of passion.”
“We have yet to have a period where we’ve cooled down or lacked enthusiasm toward each other, because we’ve never been [super passionate]. But HaHa said he’s waiting for that to happen.”
Byul explained, “I don’t know where he heard this, but he said that once you get past that period, then it’s real love.”
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