QUIZ: What’s Your K-Pop Married Life Like? (M.A.S.H. — Female Idol Edition)

Ever wondered what your life will look like in the future? Who will you marry? Where will you live? How many kids will you have? Well, now you can quit wondering and let fate tell you what’s coming your way! Take this quiz based on the classic game M.A.S.H. to find out what wonderful things await you!

Note: Disregard the “17%” you see on the results.

What kind of life awaits you, Soompiers? Be sure to let us know in the comments!

When erinunnie isn’t working or going to school, she enjoys writing, reading, playing the piano, singing, and (of course) listening to K-pop and watching K-dramas. Connect with Erin on Twitter to keep up with her latest obsessions!

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