Block B’s Jaehyo Writes Sweet Handwritten Letter + Enlists Today
Block B’s Jaehyo left a touching handwritten letter to fans as he enlisted in the military.
On December 20, Jaehyo posted a letter on Block B’s official fan cafe, in which he expressed his regret that he could not enlist as an active duty soldier but also gratitude for the love and support he received from fans.
Read the full letter:
Hello, this is Jaehyo. I thought I would never have to enlist, but the time has come. I am only ashamed and filled with regret that I couldn’t enlist as an active duty soldier due to my knee injury.
As I was preparing for various events to meet with fans as much as possible before enlistment, I realized how much I was loved by you guys. I am thankful enough that you guys shower me with your unconditional love, but I am even more thankful that you would worry about my well-being during my time in the military. I can’t stop expressing my gratitude for your love.
We won’t be able to meet through official events while I am fulfilling my military duties, but I will continue to participate in various charitable works. The news of my enlistment might have come as sad news especially to our fans who went through a lot recently, but it is a duty that I fulfill as a Korean male citizen. Everyone has to do it, so do not worry too much!
I am currently writing this letter in a hotel room near the army recruit training center in Nonsan and I am going through mixed feelings. A part of me finally realizes this is happening while another part of me still feels like I am in a dream.
I bet you are all wondering how I would look with a shaved head! I haven’t gotten my haircut yet. Once I shave it off tomorrow and it’s not looking too bad, I will share with you. And the love that I received from you guys… I will work harder and harder to pay it all back.
Also, don’t worry because I am able to adjust to new surroundings and make new friends very quickly. One thing I am concerned about is that you might forget me if you don’t see me for a very long time. Please don’t forget me.
I hope to return as a person with maturity. I bet if someone else (who doesn’t have the information about me) read this, they might think I am enlisting as an active duty soldier. I want to go to Taeil’s concert, which is happening soon, but I am upset that I am not able to. I have so much to say right now, but this is not the end, so I will refrain myself from writing any dark and depressing words.
I will continue to post letters and other things during my time in the military if I can! Also, please take care of our members. If you knew them well, you would see that they are actually very mature and kindhearted. And I ate chicken and tofu stew for dinner today. I ate everything that I might miss during training, so do not worry. I, too, will be waiting for the day that I can meet with our BBC’s again!
As I am writing, my feelings are getting more and more complex. I think I will be serving as a public service worker at the reception center in Seoul. Seoul’s tap water Arisu! I will take care of it. BBC, who always fills my empty inside with undeserving love, I love you. I ask that you stream our members’ new music like crazy once it’s out. Salut!
Wishing Jaehyo all the best during his service!
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