Zelo Confirmed To Leave B.A.P
TS Entertainment has announced that Zelo will be leaving B.A.P.
On December 24, the agency released an official statement confirming Zelo’s departure from the group:
Hello. This is TS Entertainment.
We are informing you that B.A.P’s Zelo’s exclusive contract with TS Entertainment has expired.
After holding numerous discussions as we approached the end date of our contract with Zelo, who has been with us since December 2, 2011, we have mutually decided that Zelo’s exclusive contract will end on December 2, 2018 and that he will leave B.A.P.
We express our gratitude to Zelo, who did his utmost up until the very end, and we promise to send Zelo our warm support in the future as he makes a fresh start and goes on to show great things.
Once again, we would like to thank both Zelo and all the people who have given B.A.P so much love.
Thank you.
Although Zelo’s contract with TS Entertainment expired on December 2, the idol chose to remain with B.A.P past that date in order to complete the group’s “Forever with BABYz” tour of Europe earlier this month.
We wish Zelo all the best in his future endeavors!
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