Shin Dong Wook's Father And Uncle Give Details On Family Matters Surrounding Fraud Controversy
Following the news of filial fraud claims made against actor Shin Dong Wook by his grandfather — who claimed that the actor tricked him out of his land and was kicked out of his home by Shin Dong Wook’s girlfriend — Shin Dong Wook’s father and uncle stepped forward to explain.
Shin Dong Wook’s father said, “It has been six years since I have seen my father. Dong Wook is the eldest grandson of the eldest son. My father handed over the house in Yeoju and the land in Daejeon to Dong Wook, saying, ‘Your father is not my son in the family registry.’ Dong Wook didn’t get it because he wanted it, and I was the one that originally had the deed to the Daejeon land.”
Then he said, “Currently, my father isn’t accepting the inheritance, which Dong Wook offered to return. Dong Wook said he would give up the properties whenever my father wants them back. My father wanted to call me, so he is using Dong Wook. The inheritance wasn’t the goal. He receives pension that is enough to take care of his expenses and spends 250 million won (approximately $222,200) in two months.”
His father mentioned Shin Dong Wook’s complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), saying, “Last year, when he was filming the tvN drama ‘Live,’ he went down whenever his grandfather called for him, day or night. He took his grandfather to the hospital when he himself was sick. He was so good to his grandfather that, as his father, I was thankful.”
Then he revealed that he was the one who had asked his father to move out of the house. He explained, “I was worried about my father’s health and spendthrift habits since he is approaching 100 years of age. I wanted to move him to a nursing home with a better environment.”
Shin Dong Wook’s father also addressed why the property had been put under the name of Shin Dong Wook’s girlfriend. He said, “There is no ulterior motive for changing the property owner to his girlfriend. I wanted the property under someone else’s name because I know Shin Dong Wook will continue to get sued. Dong Wook seems to have put the property under her name since she is the closest to him. I’m being careful because his girlfriend may get harmed even though this is Dong Wook’s business.”
Shin Dong Wook’s uncle also shared, “Last year, I sent a document relinquishing my inheritance to my father.” He said he has no interest in his father’s property and that Shin Dong Wook isn’t someone who would covet it either.
His uncle said, “I have not had any interaction with my father for almost 10 years. He told us to come home last year so he could distribute his assets. I sent him a document relinquishing my inheritance to tell him I don’t need it. If my father distributes his property, we could receive a large sum of money as his children. How bad must a relationship be to give that up? None of our five siblings take care of him, nonetheless see him. My father always puts himself first. Even when I was working, I had to go whenever he called.”
He also agreed with Shin Dong Wook’s father about how their father is using Shin Dong Wook to call in his father. He said, “My father’s goal is my brother. He released an article about Dong Wook in order to call my brother, the eldest, to him. We didn’t know anything until that article was released. To be honest, I feel so sad that I’m a child in this situation like this with my father. But it’s true that I’ve been suffering so much from my father.”
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