Big Hit's New Group TXT Says Hello To Fans For The First Time Via New Twitter Account
TXT (TOMORROW X TOGETHER) will be communicating with their fans through a new Twitter account!
The upcoming five-member boy group from Big Hit Entertainment is gearing up for their debut, and has so far released a series of introduction films and photos.
After sharing their group photo and film on January 24, TXT tweeted for the first time on their new account TXT_members. They first wrote, “Hello! This is TXT’s official Twitter.”
안녕하세요! 투모로우바이투게더 공식 트위터입니다⭐️ ☺️
— TOMORROW X TOGETHER (@TXT_members) January 23, 2019
Leader Soobin then tweeted, “Hello this is TOMORROW X TOGETHER Soobin! I wanted to communicate with all of you even a moment sooner, and our official account has finally been opened! I’m happily writing the first post.”
“I sincerely thank everyone who’s already showing lots of interest in us and sending us love!!! Thanks to you, I’m still spending every day feeling so excited and happy. We’re all working hard to prepare for our performance together, so please keep showing interest and watching out for us! See you soon.”
안녕하세요 TOMORROW X TOGETHER 수빈입니다! 일분일초라도 빨리 여러분들과 소통하고 싶은 마음 뿐이었는데 드디어 저희 공식 계정이 오픈되었어요! 기쁜 마음으로 첫 글은 제가 작성하게 되었습니다#TOMORROW_X_TOGETHER #수빈 #SOOBIN pic.twitter.com/NpFORFPynu
— TOMORROW X TOGETHER (@TXT_members) January 23, 2019
Yeonjun was the next member to tweet. He wrote, “Hello, everyone!!! This is TOMORROW X TOGETHER’s Yeonjun!!! This is my first introduction on Twitter, but if you wait just a bit more, I’ll come back soon. Also, thank you for all the interest and love even though we haven’t even debuted yet!!! I’m really so touched.” He added a play on words for the sound of crying.
“We’ll try to show you a lot of great sides of ourselves in the future, so please look forward to us and love us! Thank you.”
안녕하세요 여러분!!!#TOMORROW_X_TOGETHER 의 #연준 입니다!!!
트위터로 처음 소개하게 되었는데 조금만 기다려 주시면 금방 찾아뵙도록 하겠습니다ㅎㅎ 그리고 데뷔 전인데도 불구하고 너무 많은 관심과 사랑을 주셔서 감사합니다!!!
정말 감동이에요 흙흙 모래모래 자갈자갈… pic.twitter.com/z4Jrxxf5au— TOMORROW X TOGETHER (@TXT_members) January 23, 2019
Beomgyu tweeted, “Hello! I’m Beomgyu!!! Did you enjoy watching the introduction film?? We wanted to communicate with everyone even just a bit sooner, so we’re tweeting!! I’ll come on often in the future to talk with you, so please look forward to that a lot, and please love TOMORROW X TOGETHER a lot!!”
안녕하세요! #범규 입니다!!!
인트로덕션 필름은 잘 보셨나요??☺️
여러분들과 조금이라도 빨리 소통하고 싶어서 이렇게 트위터를 하게 되었어요!!
앞으로 자주자주 소통하러 놀러 올 테니 많이 기대해주시고,#TOMORROW_X_TOGETHER 많이 사랑해주세요!!❤️⭐️ pic.twitter.com/EG8QfUmzNa— TOMORROW X TOGETHER (@TXT_members) January 23, 2019
The group’s maknae (youngest member) Taehyun then introduced himself. He wrote, “Hello! I’m TXT’s lovable maknae Taehyun. Did you all watch our introduction film? We haven’t debuted yet but we wanted to communicate with you first, so we came on Twitter! Please show a lot of love for TXT.”
안녕하세요! 저는 투모로우바이투게더의 사랑둥이 막내 태현입니다😲 저희 인트로덕션 필름 모두 보셨나요?ㅎㅎ 아직 데뷔를 하진 않았지만 먼저 여러분들과 소통하고 싶어서 트위터에 찾아왔습니다! 투모로우바이투게더 많이 사랑해주세요❣ pic.twitter.com/AAxM43BgfN
— TOMORROW X TOGETHER (@TXT_members) January 23, 2019
Lastly, Hueningkai wrote, “Everyone!!!!!! Hello!!! I’m TOMORROW X TOGETHER’s cutie Hueningkai! I’m feeling really excited to be introducing myself on Twitter here after the release of the art film. I’ll keep communicating with you via Twitter in the future, and I’ll work hard to show you a lot of good sides of myself!!! I ask for your interest and love.”
여러분들!!!!!!~~~안녕하세요!!!#TOMORROW_X_TOGETHR 의 귀염둥이 #휴닝카이 입니다! 아트필름이 공개되고 나서 여기 트위터에서 처음으로 제 소개하니까 정말로 설레네요 ㅠㅠ 앞으로 트위터를 통해서 계속 소통하고 열심히해서 좋은 모습 많이 보여드리겠습니다!!! 많은 관심과 사랑 부탁드립니다😍 pic.twitter.com/kMimKkil7J
— TOMORROW X TOGETHER (@TXT_members) January 23, 2019
Do you have a favorite member of TXT already?