Highlight's Yang Yoseob Shares Updates On Daily Military Life In Letter
Highlight’s Yang Yoseob has given glimpses of his daily military life in a second handwritten letter for fans.
On February 11, Highlight’s official Twitter shared a second letter from Yang Yoseob, who is currently carrying out his military enlistment as a recruit. The tweet reads, “[A Recruit’s Letter] Recruit Yang Yoseob’s second letter to Light has arrived! 89 push-ups in two minutes!!!! 94 sit-ups!!!!! Thinking of the cool Recruit No. 167! Yang! Yo! Seob! we hope that Light will eat a lot and spend every day healthily rather than worry.”
In the letter, Yang Yoseob thanked fans for their letters, assured his fans he was doing well, and gave updates about his life at the training center.
Read the full letter below:
To Light
Hello!! Are you doing well!! I’ve received all of your letters and am enjoying them as I read them. When I receive the A4 paper filled with your letters, I can feel my squad members’ envious and fascinated gazes. Thank you. I read about Doojoon’s ice soccer, Junhyung’s new song, Gikwang’s variety shows, and Dongwoon’s musical. Thank you.
I also think you can see the Nonsan training center’s menu on the Internet… it’s really good haha. I’ve eaten my fill of breakfast and lunch today, so much so that I wonder, ‘Why do they worry..?’ and plan to eat my fill of dinner as well.
Oh, right. Today was the first round of evaluations for physical strength. I did 89 push-ups and 94 sit-ups in two minutes. I’m one step closer to becoming special forces… haha. But I didn’t do so well in running. I got around five minutes and 59 seconds for 1.5 kilometers… it’s a bit disappointing… I worked hard but they said only the second round points will count. I’ll do better in the second round. Of course I won’t go so far as to get injured…
We’re doing shooting tomorrow. I’m worried if I’ll be able to do well, but I will do my best. I’m getting closer with my squad members every day. My squad leader, platoon leader, company commander, and everyone is so good to me. I’m doing well without any difficulty, so please don’t worry…
I have plenty of time to see the clear skies, as well as the moon and stars in the night. Compared to city life, my heart is quite calm and I’m becoming carefree. I’m eating well, sleeping well, my bronchitis is getting better, and I’m truly doing well. I’m also receiving As every day for locker inspections… I think I’ll get quite good scores in my squad. Stay healthy and happy!!
From Yang Star (Currently Recruit No. 167)
[훈련병의 편지] 양요섭 훈련병이 라이트 여러분들께 보내는 두 번째 편지가 도착했습니다! 2분에 팔굽혀펴기 89개!!!! 윗몸일으키기 94개를 해내는!!!!! 멋쟁이 167번 훈련병! 양! 요! 섭! 님의 모습을 떠올리며, 라이트 여러분도 걱정보다는 밥 많이 드시고 건강한 하루하루를 보내시기 바랍니다:) pic.twitter.com/ROy0eRKaHb
— 하이라이트(HIGHLIGHT) (@Highlight_AUent) February 11, 2019
Check out Yang Yoseob’s first letter here!