Woman Testifies That Jung Joon Young, Choi Jong Hoon, And 3 Others Sexually Assaulted Her As A Group
A woman has come forward and testified that she was sexually assaulted by five people who are members of the controversial group chatrooms including Jung Joon Young and Choi Jong Hoon.
Warning: Discussions of sexual assault.
According to an exclusive report by SBS funE reporter Kang Kyung Yoon on April 18, a woman identified as “A” stated that she belatedly confirmed through a voice recording, photos, and conversations that were exchanged in the group chatrooms, that she was sexually assaulted by five men including Jung Joon Young and Choi Jong Hoon. After discussing with a lawyer, she has decided to file a lawsuit.
“A” testified that in March 2016, she met up with Jung Joon Young, Choi Jong Hoon, Burning Sun employee “Kim,” former YG Entertainment employee “Heo,” and businessman “Park” for a drink and blacked out. When she woke up in the morning, she found herself fully naked in a hotel room and Choi Jong Hoon was lying next to her.
While “A” hurriedly left the hotel room at the time, she became suspicious that she was sexually assaulted by them following recent reports of their inappropriate conversations and chatrooms.
Last month, she contacted Bang Jung Hyun, the lawyer who submitted the contents of the group chatrooms to the Anti-Corruption & Civil Rights Commission. She mentioned the date and location of the incident and through Bang Jung Hyun, she confirmed that there was one voice recording, six photos, and conversations suggesting that she was sexually assaulted.
In the conversations that were exchanged the day after, Jung Joon Young allegedly used slang words that implied multiple-perpetrator sexual assault, and Choi Jong Hoon reportedly talked about having to hold in his laughs to sexually assault “A,” who was unconscious.
The following is an interview that “A” participated with SBS funE:
Q. What is your relationship with the five members?
“I got to know Jung Joon Young in 2012 through an acquaintance, and I’ve known ‘Kim’ since 2013. One of my friends was dating Seungri at the time, so we used to hang out as a group. In early 2016, Jung Joon Young called me to grab a drink for the first time in a while, as he was hosting a fan signing event. The five members of the group chatroom and I, a total of six people, had drinks in three different locations. I was a bit drunk, but there were two more celebrities, and since I had known them for a few years, I let my guard down. They told me they booked a suite at a hotel and wanted to drink more there, but as soon as I drank alcohol [at the hotel], I lost consciousness.”
Q. What was going on when you woke up?
“I woke up because my head ached. My clothes were off, and Choi Jong Hoon was lying next to me, laughing. Since I did not have any clothes on, I asked them, ‘What is going on?’ They said, ‘You don’t remember?’ and chuckled. They came close to me while I was fully naked and teased me by saying, ‘Try looking for your underwear.’ ‘Heo’ even poked me around while jokingly suggesting that we should have sexual intercourse. When I told them to stop, they gave me back my underwear. I found my clothes, got dressed, and got out of the hotel. That’s what I remember from that day.”
Q. Were you not suspicious of getting sexually assaulted at the time?
“I do not remember anything after I lost consciousness after drinking at the hotel. I was taking pills for a panic disorder, so I loosely thought that might have been [the reason I passed out]. The back of my head was swollen as if I had hit [my head] against something. When I woke up fully naked in the morning, I felt shameful, but I wasn’t aware of what was going on, and I couldn’t ask. After I got out of the hotel, Jung Joon Young, Choi Jong Hoon, and ‘Kim’ contacted me as if nothing happened. Choi Jong Hoon even said, ‘See you later.’ It was hard for me to rashly ask them.”
Q. Did you contact them following reports of the group chatrooms?
“I contacted Choi Jong Hoon and ‘Kim.’ When I asked, ‘Did you film hidden camera footage of me?’ they said they absolutely did not. They told me, ‘We didn’t even talk about you [in the chatrooms], please believe us.’ They even said, ‘Do not worry. Let’s meet up.’ I realized that it would be difficult to expect a sincere apology from them or for them to reflect on themselves.”
Q. What made you decide to sue them?
“It’s painful every time I think about that day. Because it is embarrassing and it pains me, I deliberately tried to not talk about what happened that day. After I saw reports about the group chatrooms, I realized that even though I considered them as my close friends, it wasn’t the same for them. I can’t help but to think that they simply treated me like an object. I was ashamed. I hope they pay for their crimes.”
Q. How do you feel now that you are about to file a lawsuit?
“I’m worried that I might encounter retaliation or if the police will even carry out a proper investigation. The police stated that they have investigated the group chatrooms, but I have never been contacted by the police. I don’t know what will happen to me if [the five members] say they did no such thing. I’m scared that my identity will be exposed and that people will know that I was victimized.”
Until now, the police said that they weren’t able to move forward with investigating Jung Joon Youn on allegations of sexual assault. However, with a testimony from “A,” they will officially begin the investigation as soon as she files her lawsuit.
When asked about the arguments of “A,” businessman “Park” said that he has “no relation to the case” and strongly denied accusations of participating in multiple-perpetrator sexual assault. “Heo” also did not respond, and Choi Jong Hoon was unreachable because his phone had been turned off.
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