Highlight's Son Dongwoon Shares His First Letter To Fans From The Military
On May 15, Highlight’s official Twitter posted a handwritten letter from Son Dongwoon addressed to the group’s fans Lights.
The caption reads, “A training soldier’s letter. The first letter from training platoon leader Son Dongwoon, who is in the twenty-third regiment, first platoon, has arrived! We ask for lots of replies to training soldier Son Dongwoon’s first letter as he is grateful for the happiness and fun in his everyday life that he feels in a new setting.”
His letter as as follows:
To Lights,
Hello, this is Son Dongwoon, training soldier number nine in the twenty-third regiment, first education center, second company, first platoon, and first squad.
Today is Saturday, the third day since I enlisted. I took a picture after changing into the combat training uniform. By the time you see this letter, you probably all saw the picture. I am finding my own happiness and fun in this place. For example, in the fact that my favorite number nine became my training soldier number, the fact that I’m sleeping on the window side and not in the middle, and that I look forward to today’s menu. I realize once again that I am surrounded by these small bits of happiness. Although you may not have the happiness relating to Highlight for a short time, I hope you don’t miss the small bits of happiness you experience in your everyday life.
I have become the training platoon leader of the first platoon in the twenty-third regiment just like Yoseob. I am the oldest out of everyone in our platoon. The other squad members are at least six and up to eight years younger than I am. They are trying hard to follow my lead, and I am trying hard to lead them well. Also, I am doing well because the squad leader and even the platoon leader are such great people. I think I’ll be able to complete this well. I will now conclude this letter as I have to go eat lunch. I will write again. Don’t catch a cold. Salute!
From Son Dongwoon, your youngest member and training soldier 2-009
[훈련병의 편지] 23연대에서 1소대 소대장 훈련병이 된 손동운 훈련병이 라이트 여러분들께 보내는 첫 번째 편지가 도착했습니다! 낯선 곳에서 나름의 행복, 나름의 재미를 찾아가며 사소한 일상 속에 묻어있는 행복들에 감사해하는 손동운 훈련병의 첫 번째 편지에 많은 답장 부탁드립니다:) pic.twitter.com/5dVhgL0kJY
— 하이라이트(HIGHLIGHT) (@Highlight_AUent) May 15, 2019
Son Dongwoon began his basic military training on May 9.