EXO's D.O. To Enlist In Summer
EXO’s D.O. will be enlisting in the military this year.
On May 30, Sports Chosun reported that according to multiple industry sources, D.O. will be enlisting as an active duty soldier on July 1. The EXO member, who was born in 1993, still has time left before the deadline for his required enlistment. According to the current military service law, D.O. can defer his military enlistment for a total of five times and just has to enlist by 2021, when he is 28 years old. However, now that the military enlistment process has started for EXO with Xiumin’s recent enlistment, D.O. has expressed his will to complete his military duties as soon as possible.
According to the report, after discussing with SM Entertainment and the EXO members, D.O. has decided to enter the military on active duty and will be the second EXO member to enlist following Xiumin.
Read SM Entertainment’s statement below:
EXO’s D.O. is enlisting in July. D.O. applied to serve in the military and received the notice for his July 1 enlistment date today, and is planning to faithfully serve as an active duty soldier.
With Xiumin’s enlistment on May 7 and with the process of military enlistments now starting for EXO, D.O. expressed his will to fulfill his military duties as soon as possible and applied after fully discussing it with the agency and his members. He hopes to enlist quietly, so we will respect his wishes and not reveal the time and location of his enlistment as well as hold any separate events on the day [of his enlistment].