Task Force Team To Investigate B.I And YG On Suspicions Of Drug Use And Ties To Police
The police will begin to look into various suspicions that arose from the recent controversies involving B.I and his alleged attempt to purchase drugs.
On June 14, Director Na Won Oh of the detective division at Gyeonggi Southern Provincial Police Agency revealed, “We formed an exclusive team that will be in charge of investigating suspicions that have been raised from B.I’s alleged attempt to purchase and use drugs. [The team] consists of 16 people from the drug investigation unit and the legal support team.”
On June 12, Dispatch released a report on B.I and accused him of attempting to purchase marijuana and LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) in 2016. They showed KakoTalk conversations shared between B.I and “A” as evidence.
Afterwards, B.I released a personal statement, in which he apologized for stirring up trouble and announced his departure from both iKON and YG. The agency later confirmed the news.
However, new suspicions arose when “A” reported to the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission about YG Entertainment’s alleged ties with the police, which were reportedly used to conceal B.I’s involvement in the 2016 drug-related charges.
“A” was later revealed to be Han Seo Hee. During the first two rounds of questioning by the police in 2016, Han Seo Hee admitted to smoking marijuana and mentioned B.I’s name. However, she changed her statement in her third police questioning, which she later stated was influenced by Yang Hyun Suk.
On June 14, lawyer Bang Jung Hyun, who helped Han Seo Hee submit her testimony to the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission, also raised suspicions of YG’s ties to the police. He confirmed that official records of the investigation that took place in 2016 are missing Han Seo Hee’s initial statements about B.I and the copy of KakaoTalk messages she had submitted as evidence.
The police will be summoning Han Seo Hee for questioning upon her return to Korea in order to look into suspicions that B.I purchased illegal drugs and YG Entertainment put pressure on the police to conceal B.I’s involvement in the 2016 drug case.
Director Na Won Oh said, “We believe that Han [Seo Hee] will do her best to cooperate with our investigation as she has shown her determination by being the whistleblower. If situations change and we need to investigate more people, we will put in more manpower and try our best to resolve all suspicions that have been raised so far.”
Regarding YG’s suspected ties to the police, Na Won Oh stated, “When looking at the investigation report and reports from [our] informants at the time, we are unable to confirm that [YG] tried to conceal the truth. We feel regretful because it would have been better if we had called in B.I for questioning and investigated more thoroughly.”
Na Won Oh concluded, “We will carry out the investigation while being open to all possibilities regarding suspicions of B.I’s drug purchase and usage, [YG’s] destruction of evidence, and dereliction of duty by the police officer who was in charge [of the case in 2016].”
Another source from the police also revealed that Yang Hyun Suk will also be questioned by the police. While Yang Hyun Suk denied the allegations of using ties to the police to conceal the drug case, he ultimately announced his plans to step down from his position at YG Entertainment.
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