Update: Block B's Taeil Shares Second Half Of 1st Letter From The Military

Updated June 29 KST:

The second half of Block B’s Taeil’s letter to fans from the military has been shared.

Check it out below!

The other soldiers in my barracks told me that of our songs, they like “Toy” and “Hero” the best. Whenever anyone is humming Block B’s songs around me, I can’t help but smile.

Because most of the other soldiers are young enough to be my younger brother, they call out for me like “HyungHyung!” and follow me so well that I’m actually having quite a comfortable time in the army.

Our barracks are located deep in the mountains of Hwacheon in Gangwon Province, and that’s probably why you can see so many stars at night. Looking at the stars before I go to sleep fills me with a lot of thoughts. Happy memories, unfortunate memories, the people around me, etc.

Whenever I think of something, I write it down in the notepad I brought with me! I want to try writing music while I’m in the army, so I think they will become great inspiration for lyrics. For the one and a half years I’m here, I hope to become healthier both in body and mind, and I will work hard on my music. My goal to to gain many things from this time so it doesn’t feel wasteful.

Of course, my discharge date is nowhere in sight yet… haha

I’m not sure when this letter will reach Seoul, but writing this letter before I go to bed is nice because it feels like I’m in a long distance relationship. Though I can’t update my social media myself, I will still keep you updated on my wellbeing often since I have our official account!

It looks like the others are going to bed, so I should get going now. Today was such a happy day for me thanks to your letters. I’m going to read your letters again tomorrow and start the day in good spirits.

Thank you, BBC [official fan club name]!

Private No. 155 Lee Tae Il

Original Article:

Block B’s Taeil sent his first letter from the military, thanking fans and talking about how he’s been doing!

Taeil enlisted on June 10. His full letter is below:

To BBC [Block B’s official fandom].

Hello. This is Private No. 155 Lee Tae Il of the 15th division 50th regiment in Battalion No. 1 Squadron No. 1 Platoon No. 4!

It’s already been 10 days since I’ve entered the military. I had my second physical training today. After getting drenched in sweat, I walked into the dorm, and it was the first day of the arrival of online letters.

I was worried what I would do if no letters had arrived [for me], but thanks to all of you who sent me many letters, I became the popular star of dorm No. 4.

Fifty people stay in one dorm together. Since there were many letters and my name was called a lot, my military colleagues clapped for me. It was a day where I felt really proud and happy. Thank you. Thank you again.

A day in the army is a repetition of eating and exercising, eating and exercising, so reading letters before bedtime like this is my only joy. I don’t know how many times I read the first letters I received today. I’d love to write back to say thank you to each and every person, but [since I can’t] I’m expressing my grateful heart like this. I’ll cherish them and share them on social media on the day I get discharged.

In contrast to my worries before entering the military, I’m doing well and having a lot of fun! I think I also gained about 3 kilograms (approximately 6.6 pounds). The food is so delicious. Because the weather was hot today, ice cream called “World Cone” came out for the first time today. It was so good that I took one bite and almost cried.

I’m really realizing how grateful I am for things I used to take for granted when I was out in society. I entered the military quite late, so I’m the oldest out of the 250 people who enlisted along with me (laughter).

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