Kangta And Woo Joo Ahn Apologize And Clarify Relationship In New Statements
H.O.T.’s Kangta and racing model Woo Joo Ahn have shared new statements via Instagram to clarify their relationship.
Following Woo Joo Ahn’s first post last night, Kangta took to Instagram to write his personal statement.
Kangta wrote the following post:
This is Kangta.
I apologize for causing trouble to many people with a personal matter.
After breaking up last year, I met up with Woo Joo Ahn a few days ago in late July. We were keeping in contact afterwards, but a video taken last year before our breakup was accidentally posted on Woo Joo Ahn’s personal Instagram, causing a difficult situation for everyone.
The post that Woo Joo Ahn wrote last night was uploaded after she shared it with me.
After further conversation, we decided to end our relations here.
As our relationship has already ended, I no longer want to cause pain to Woo Joo Ahn, and I want to once again apologize for causing trouble to many people due to my personal matter.
Woo Joo Ahn also uploaded a second post.
Her post reads as follows:
Hello, this is Woo Joo Ahn.
I caused trouble and concern over the past few days due to my mistake ..
There were misunderstandings in the articles, so I uploaded the post yesterday after discussion with Kangta.
Afterwards, we decided through a discussion to end our relations at this point.I once again want to express my apologies to Kangta’s fans, who must have been hurt due to my accidental post, and to Kangta, who deserves love from the public.
I especially really sincerely apologize to the fans.
Even if you hate me, I earnestly ask that you forgive me and let go of the anger.I hope speculative articles will not be spread.
Please reporters, I ask this of you.