16 K-Indie Songs For The Fall Playlist Of Your Dreams

Every fall, there’s something about the leaves beginning to change color and the cool autumn breeze that makes me want to put all my K-pop idol loves on pause and whip out something a little more on the chill side. This usually means that a lot of acoustic artists and mid-tempo R&B jams creep into (more like take over) my heavy rotation. Sorry, X1, but you’re going to have to take a back seat until at least late October!

In the interest of letting the songs speak for themselves, I’ve tried to keep my commentary to a minimum. Hope you enjoy!

Autumn Vacation – “Dreaming, Deceived” (2010)

I really like this song’s lyrics, and they actually do make me want to get up and just wander aimlessly. Alas, I’ve got an article to write, so I guess I’ll have to settle for letting my mind do the wandering.

Colde – “Control Me” (2019)

I fell in love with this song as soon as I heard it, and at the moment, I’d say it’s one of my top five most listened to songs. If you know of any other good songs with a Latin jazz/bossa nova kind of groove, please leave them below in the comments!

Acourve – “What I Want To Say” (2013)


I don’t usually listen to a lot of duets, but this fall, I’m definitely seeing a few creep into my daily playlist. Also, today I learned that Acourve is a portmanteau of the words “acoustic” and “groove.”

Cheeze – “Orange” (2019)

Am I the only one that wants to go on a date after listening to this song? Not even sure why, to be honest. Maybe because, as Cheeze says, “love is always better.”

Lee Han Deul – “Everywhere” (2017)

Pleasant song, pleasant video — what more needs to be said? But really, “Everywhere” makes me want to go on a fall road trip, photographing sunsets, stargazing, and so on. It’d be especially nice if I also knew how to play guitar…

pH-1 – “Donut (Feat. Jay Park)” (2017)

Not sure about everywhere else, but in the United States, apple cider and donuts are a fall staple, so of course a song called “Donut” should be included here. It also grooves and is a great afternoon pick-me-up when your energy levels are low.

OOHYO – “Teddy Bear Rises” (2014)

There’s something incredibly relaxing about this singer’s voice. Fun fact: She performs a lot of songs in English and Korean because she grew up abroad, returning to Korea only after university.

OFFONOFF – “Photograph” (2016)

It sure seems like summer just started not too long ago, but the days are already noticeably shorter and the summer heat has slowly begun to fade away. While I’m glad to no longer be melting every time I step foot outside, “Photograph” makes me want to not let time slip away too fast. So here’s to making the most of the fall days that lie ahead of us!

Clazziquai Project – “What If (Feat. Suyoung Kim)” (2019)

I feel a little bad recommending a song by Clazziquai Project where one of their vocalists (Horan) isn’t present, but this one is too perfect for fall to not include here. So groovy, so lovely, so sweet. So Clazziquai Project, really.

Crush – “NAPPA” (2019)

I’m not sure whether it’s entirely fair to call Crush an indie artist anymore, but his voice and this song are both great, so how could I leave him out? Say goodbye to summer but hello to “NAPPA.”

SOLE – “RIDE” (2017)

This song makes me want to get in my car and just drive around with the windows down, taking in the crisp fall air late at night. Unfortunately, I’m in Korea right now and can’t legally drive here, so I’ll have to make do with roaming the streets on foot. Oh well, walking is better for the environment anyway.

J Rabbit – “The Little Heroes” (2019)

J Rabbit is one of my favorite K-indie artists, so it was a bit tricky picking just one song of theirs to recommend. I suggest turning this one on as you fall asleep one of these upcoming fall nights. May it bring you good dreams!

Xydo – “#OOTD (Feat. Coogie)” (2019)

Not going to lie, I have no idea who Xydo is, but I have mad love for Coogie, which is how I learned about this track. That said, Xydo is definitely worth listening to as well, so don’t sleep on him. I actually might like his other recent single, “S.L.Y,” more than this song, but I’m too much of a Coogie fan to change my recommendation at this point.

George – “Let’s Go Picnic” (2018)

I wouldn’t mind going on a picnic while listening to this song, but I might almost prefer just lounging around at home with a good book instead because this song makes me feel oh so relaxed.

Standing Egg – “A Song Only I Wanna Know” (2019)

The music video may have a very summery feel to it, but I still find this song to be a good fit for a calm fall day. Also, doesn’t it make you want to be in love? Talk about romantic feels.

10cm – “Do You Think Of Me?” (2019)

Would any list featuring K-indie/acoustic artists be complete without 10cm? I think not!

SHAUN – “Way Back Home” (2018)

If you’ve been keeping count, then you know this is actually song number 17… Let’s just consider this a bonus recommendation. (This is one of my favorite songs as of late!)

Which K-indie songs or artists can you not get enough of during the fall? Let me know below!

seheee is a software engineer by day and an avid K-pop concert goer by night. She also occasionally makes an appearance on Twitter (@_seheee), but you’re more likely to find her on Instagram these days (@k.se.hee).

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