QUIZ: Can We Guess Whether You're An Introvert Or An Extrovert? (Based On Your Taste In K-Pop)

We here at Soompi like getting to know more about our fellow Soompiers. And when I say “getting to know,” I really mean making guesses about your blood type, your zodiac sign, your age, your ideal type, even your deepest darkest fears, and having you tell us if we’re spot on or dead wrong.

Today, we’re going to guess whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert, or somewhere in between. Now, because these choices are based on your K-pop interests, I probably wouldn’t need to tell you that it’s all in good fun, and nowhere in the realm of proper science or psychology! So in the name of fun, take the quiz and see if your taste in K-pop really does affect your personality!

What result did you get? Were we (mostly) right? Let us know in the comments below! 

Belinda_C herself is more of an ambivert leaning towards the introvert end of the spectrum. Big crowds drain her. Talk SEVENTEEN with her on Twitter!

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