Update: MAMAMOO's Moonbyul Announces Special Exhibition
Updated December 13 KST:
MAMAMOO’s Moonbyul has shared that her teaser is for an upcoming exhibition for her birthday!
The exhibition is titled “Winter Solstice: The Night is Long so Our Story Continues.” It will be held from December 21 to 22 at Gallery Min in Seoul.
[문별 생일 특별전 : 동지 ; 同志 – 밤이 길어 우리의 이야기는 계속 이어진다] 안내🎄 2019.12.21 (토) ~ 2019.12.22 (일)
🎄 갤러리 민자세한 내용은?!
아래의 링크를 통해 확인해주세요💕
👉 https://t.co/Pl3r16d2Vx#MAMAMOO #MOONBYUL#크리스마스_3일_전의_기적 pic.twitter.com/o0MyROxrB8— 마마무(MAMAMOO) (@RBW_MAMAMOO) December 13, 2019
Original Article:
MAMAMOO’s Moonbyul has something new on the way!
On December 13 at midnight KST, MAMAMOO’s social media accounts released a teaser image for a new release from Moonbyul titled “Miracle of 3 Days Before Christmas Part 1.” It is set for release on December 13 at 8 p.m. KST.
The title appears to be a reference to Moonbyul’s birthday, which is on December 22!
Going by the camera and moon mirror in the photo, fans are wondering if this is a teaser for Moonbyul’s unreleased self-composed songs “Moon Movie” and “Mirror.”
What do you think Moonbyul has on the way?