QUIZ: Which Candy Are You (According To Your K-Preferences)?
Aaah candy. How we love thee. Whether it’s chocolate bars, hard candy, chewy toffee or all of the above, we can’t help but be tempted by them. They are there for us in our time of need, and frankly, they make the world a better place (as long as you don’t overindulge anyway).
So here we bring you the quiz you’ve probably seen swimming around the net before. It’s the beloved “Which Candy Are You?” quiz, but with a Korean twist. Choose your preferences on all things Korean, and see which candy best describes you!
Which candy did you get? Is it one that you enjoy eating? And how well did the description fit you? Let us know in the comments below!
Belinda_C loves chocolate and “Chocolate,” the currently airing drama starring Yoon Kye Sang and Ha Ji Won. Talk dramas and SEVENTEEN with her on Twitter!