Gil Reveals He Got Married 3 Years Ago + Apologizes For Drunk Driving Controversy
Gil, a former member of Leessang, has some confessions to make.
On January 27, the singer made a surprise appearance on Channel A’s “Eye Contact.” On the show, Gil reveal that despite formerly denying the rumors, he has in fact been married for quite a while now.
One woman on the show said, “My daughter hasn’t been able to leave the house in three years. She’s lived a life of seclusion and is unable to go outside. Is my son-in-law that pretty? He’s not that pretty.” The son-in-law the applicant referred to was none other than Gil.
Gil said, “Firstly, I have an apology I need to make. I’ve failed my fans, who’ve given my music so much love… I’ve truly sorry.” He confessed that he’d been living “like a ghost” since he stepped out of the public eye after his third drunk driving incident in 2017. “Even as I sit in this chair I don’t truthfully know how to rightly apologize. This is my first time outside in months. I thought I wouldn’t be able to do it. I hate myself for being alone.”
Gil continued, “I thought to myself, ‘What are you doing with your music? Do you repay them with your music? Of course not.’ So I got rid of all of my instruments. Then as the months went by I thought, ‘Let’s walk in the mountains. There isn’t anyone up there.’ When I walked in the mountains, I thought someone might see me, so I thought, ‘I have to move quickly.’ By that point I’d been along so long, it became difficult for me to freely contact my colleagues.”
“Then it became that I couldn’t go out to eat, because it would make people uncomfortable to see me eating delicious food. It was a luxury I didn’t deserve. So it became that I just lived like a ghost.”
Gil’s mother-in-law said, “I thought it was wrong, but what could I do? It was a self-defeating attitude. And it made my daughter become skittish and nervous too. Even though I’m not sure it was the right thing to say, I encouraged her to leave him. But by that point she was already pregnant.”
It was at that point that Gil did confess that he’d been married. “There have been various rumors about me for three years. I got married without a wedding three years ago, and two years ago my son was born. Even now there aren’t many people who know that.”
Gil said, “I messed up the timing. It was a time that I thought it was wrong of me to go out and see people, and I had no contact with my friends, so no one knew that I had a child. I was contacted by reporters and other media, and I couldn’t say anything. I regretted not admitting it, but at that point it was too late for me to say anything. But I am blessed with a wife and healthy child.”
Gil’s mother-in-law expressed her resentment toward Gil. “I was disappointed. How nice it would have been to say the truth when the rumors first came out. I was so angry. If I was pregnant, I would want to be congratulated. It’s supposed to be a happy time, thinking of how pretty the baby will be. But it wasn’t like that. It was dark and sad instead. I hated my son-in-law so much I didn’t even want to see my grandson.”
MC Lee Sang Min said, “When a woman has a baby, it’s supposed to be one of the most precious memories of her lifetime. She should be loved and well-cared for. But nobody new about this news.”
Gil continued, “Everything that happened, happened because of me, but my wife stood alongside me silently bearing everything. Of course I deserve the scolding, I deserve everything that I had coming to me, but I was afraid that my wife and her family would be hurt. So I kept hiding in my house.”
His mother-in-law continued expressing her frustration. “My daughter loves to laugh and travel. But now she can’t go outside. No one thinks that my daughter is married. She’s considered a single mother because she keeps hiding. I understand everything that has happened with my head, but not with my heart.”
“I wish my daughter and my grandson were free. I wish they could walk around freely,” she said.
Eventually Gil and his mother-in-law were able to come to a tentative truce regarding their rocky relationship, in which Gil’s mother-in-law told him she would accept him as a son-in-law if he had a proper wedding for her daughter. In an interview with the production team later, Gil’s mother-in-law said, “I was standing there alone, heartbroken and sick to my stomach. I was sad and salty sitting there like a sinner, but I kept having those thoughts. I think I’ll be able to accept him after a proper wedding but until then… I think my heart is more closed than I thought.”