Celebrity Landlords Cut Rent Costs In Light Of Economic Difficulties Caused By Coronavirus Outbreak
It’s no secret that celebrities own buildings which they then rent out to tenants, but never let it be said that these celebrity landlords are misers.
On March 4, reports surfaced that singer Rain and his wife, actress Kim Tae Hee, as well as Hong Suk Chun and Seo Jang Hoon, were cutting the cost of rent for their tenants this month due to financial hardships caused by the COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) outbreak.
Rain reduced the cost of rent in his building in the Cheongdam neighborhood of Seoul’s Gangnam district by 50 percent for the month of March, in hopes to help their tenants through a difficult time. Kim Tae Hee also owns a building in the Yeoksam neighborhood of Gangnam, for which she lowered the rent by 50 percent for March, as well.
Seo Jang Hoon made similar moves to aid his tenants, dropping rent in the three apartment buildings he owns in Seoul’s Mapo district by 10 percent over the next two months. A representative of Seo Jang Hoon stated, “As the number of people affected by COVID-19 rises, the people under [Seo Jang Hoon’s] care have fallen on incredibly difficult times. He decided that he wanted to help even in just this little way, and so he lowered the cost of rent.”
Hong Suk Chun personally announced his decision to lower the cost of rent via his Instagram account. He shared the decision to lower the rent in his building in the Itaewon neighborhood of Seoul’s Yongsan district, saying, “Has everyone been enjoying ‘Itaewon Class’? Right now I’m in Itaewon. I’ve been thinking about how I can help support people. Right now, it’s a good thing that the cost of rent in Itaewon has dropped a lot in recent days.”
He continued, “Because a lot of people are struggling while the outbreak of COVID-19 continues to spread, I’m lowering the cost of rent for the tenants in my Itaewon building. It isn’t a lot during this difficult time, but I hope that it helps give people strength.” He went on to challenge other celebrities to follow in his footsteps. “I hope that the Korean people find strength. Fighting!”
Top Photos Credit: Xportnews