QUIZ: Which ASTRO Member Is Your Dream Date? (M.A.S.H)
An ASTRO member taking us out on a dream date? Why, sign us up! And while the chances of this actually happening in reality is preeeeeetty slim, there’s no harm in doing a little day-dreaming, no?
So, go dress yourself up nicely and get ready to go on a dream date (emphasis on “dream”) with someone from ASTRO… by taking the M.A.S.H. style quiz below! You’ll find out who will be taking you out on this date, what you’ll be doing, what his gift for you will be, and what awkward situation you’ll be in (yes, there’ll be one).
Note: Disregard the “20%” you see on the results.
What were your results like? Are you happy with how this dream date went? Let us know in the comments below!
Belinda_C hopes everyone stays safe (and safe) during these trying times. Talk SEVENTEEN with her on Twitter!