VIXX's Ravi Speaks Out Against Malicious Commenters
April 27, VIXX’s Ravi wrote a message to malicious commenters through a post on Instagram Stories.
Ravi wrote that malicious comments really hurt both artists and their fans, and he relayed his hopes that people would spend their energy on more productive actions for both themselves and their loved ones.
Here is the full post from Ravi:
I tried to understand people saying bad things about me after thinking I was meeting a younger singer. I tried to just overlook the continuous verbal attacks and threats, but after some thought, I decided that I need to say something.
Because of these types of actions, my colleagues and I suffer from things like panic disorder, depression, and anxiety, and sometimes it’s hard to breathe. There are people to whom we are very important and precious. We are people who work hard day and night to receive love and to repay that love.
Why do celebrities and the fans who love and support them have to be hurt and be concerned because of these actions? I’d like it if you wouldn’t use your motivations toward strange hobbies, but instead spend time on being more productive, and take more interest in things that are helpful to both yourself and the people around you. Nobody’s perfect. Because we are flawed, let’s help each other out, and let’s not waste what spare time we do have.
It’s fine if you don’t do good things, but don’t work hard to actively hurt others. We all make mistakes. I’d like it if this changed.
If you’re acting this way because you’re physically or mentally hurting, please look towards a more healthy way of expressing yourself. There are many things you can do without hurting others.
I’m writing this in the hopes that through saying something, these situations will decrease in frequency, so don’t worry about me. Thanks to all of your love, I’m happy.
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