Lee Seung Gi Talks About Working With Jasper Liu On Their Travel Show "Twogether"
On July 3, Lee Seung Gi sat down for an online interview to talk about his Netflix show “Twogether.”
“Twogether” is a travel variety program starring Lee Seung Gi and Taiwanese actor Jasper Liu, who are the same age but come from different countries and speak different languages. Together, they travel to different countries to meet fans and overcome their barriers to form a friendship. The show was filmed back in 2019, but made its premiere on June 26.
Lee Seung Gi said, “I’m honored and grateful [that the show is performing well]. Through Netflix, the show premiered in 190 countries at the same time. I’m grateful that people showed their love for content that has a different language and culture from theirs. I’m glad that something we worked so hard on had good results.”
He continued, “I didn’t know anything back when I did ‘Noonas Over Flowers.’ The point of that program was sightseeing, and I played a support role for the female cast members. This show is about finding fans through various missions, so the focus was different, but the experience from that time helped. I was less afraid about traveling abroad.”
About his co-star, Jasper Liu, he said, “I think I was fortunate to have met someone who was like a diamond in the rough as a potential variety star. I’ve done a lot of travel variety shows in the past, and I think that I prefer to be outdoors and be physical rather than spend time in a studio. It can be hard on me in a physical sense, but I can feel the joy of obtaining results through hard work.”
He added, “When I saw Jasper Liu in films and TV shows, I thought that he was the romantic, sweet type. After I met him in real life, I realized that he is that, but he is also energetic and has a prankster’s sense. During filming, I didn’t feel the language and cultural differences to be a serious barrier and we were comfortable and had fun together.”
As the one with more experience doing variety programs, Lee Seung Gi said, “I enjoyed pranking Jasper Liu throughout the show. But he enjoyed it too, because he could feel himself learning. He told me that I was his master, but that next time he would turn the tables on me. I could have teased him more, but I was cautious of the fact that he hadn’t done much variety before. If he keeps working with me, I think he’ll develop even more.”
He added, “At first, it was awkward. We had to do a show together, but we couldn’t communicate, so we didn’t know how to approach each other. But we naturally became close while traveling together, sleeping together, eating together, and doing missions and meeting fans together. When we parted at the airport, we hugged with the mindset that we wanted to see each other again. Our last mission was in Korea. I introduced him to some good places and food and he said that he would like to travel in Korea more.”
Lee Seung Gi then said with a smile, “For some reason, when Jasper Liu calls me by my name, it sounds similar to when Kang Ho Dong does the same. There’s something desperate about the way they call after me. I think it’s similar.”
The actor and singer talked briefly about being almost two decades into his career. Lee Seung Gi made his debut as a singer in 2004, meaning that he has been in this business for 16 years. “I’m always afraid that I’ll become used to this work and start doing it like a routine,” he said. “As the years go by, you learn more things. As the successes keep coming, you start to feel more certain. I want to keep trying new things. For someone in a long-lived career, the biggest worry is that they’ll get used to it.”
Check out Lee Seung Gi in the latest episode of “Master in the House”!