Bong Tae Gyu Shares His Thoughts About The Response To His Wearing A Skirt To A Press Conference

Actor Bong Tae Gyu spoke frankly about gendered expectations in clothing in response to his wearing a skirt to a press conference.

On October 24, Bong Tae Gyu shared a screenshot of an article about his fashion choices for the press conference of his upcoming drama “The Penthouse.” At the press conference, which was held on October 22, he wore a long skirt and blazer that was inspired by school uniform styles. The screenshot of the article included the caption, “Bong Tae Gyu, fashion that crosses lines.”

Bong Tae Gyu wrote:

I don’t really think that I crossed a line… It was very comfortable. I wonder how nice it would have been if I could’ve worn it from the start? At least now I understand how practical skirts can be. Moreover, it looked really cool when I styled it up. Maybe it was because I was restricted for so long to the item called “pants,” but a skirt was surprisingly cool and fresh. I was surprised by how stimulating it felt, how much of a universe opened up, when this restriction disappeared.

In the past, there was talk about letting female students choose to wear shorts or long pants instead of skirts so they could have more free choice in their school uniforms. Nowadays, most schools don’t obsess over making all female students wear skirts. When Si Ha [his son] is old enough to wear a school uniform, I wonder what it would be like if he had a skirt as one of his options. A child could learn something really important just from the idea that a skirt is something we can choose whether or not to wear. I might have learned this just now, but I wish Si Ha will learn this a little sooner. That men can wear skirts, and that they look really cool doing so.

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선을 넘었다고 생각하지는 않았는데.. 너무 편하더라고요. 진작 입을 수 있었다면 얼마나 좋았을까?.. 이제라도 치마의 실용성을 알았으니 다행이죠. 더불어 스타일링 했을 때 멋지더라고요. 지금까지 바지라는 한정된 아이템만 입고 살아서인지, 치마는 놀라울 정도로 신선하고 멋졌어요. 어떤 경계가 사라진다는 건 개인에게 놀라울 만큼의 자극을 주고 새로운 우주가 펼쳐지더라고요. 언젠가 교복을 조금 더 자유롭고 편하게 선택할 수 있게 하자는 뜻에서 여학생들에게 치마 대신 반바지나 긴 바지를 허용하자는 얘기가 있었지요. 이제는 대부분의 학교에서 굳이 치마만을 고집하거나 그래야 한다고 얘기하지 않습니다. 혹시 우리 시하도 교복을 입게 된다면 선택 사항에 치마가 있다면 어떨까 싶어요. 치마를 입던 입지 않던 그것을 선택할 수 있다는 사실만으로도 아이에게 중요한 것들을 알려주는 게 되니깐요. 저는 이제야 그것들을 배우게 되었지만 우리 시하는 저보다는 조금 더 빨리 알게 되었으면 좋겠네요. “남자도 치마 입을 수 있어. 심지어 아주 멋지단다..”

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Bong Tae Gyu is set to appear in the drama “The Penthouse,” which premieres on October 26 and will be available on Viki.

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