QUIZ: Which 2020 K-Pop Song Will Best Describe Your 2021?
Happy 2021, everyone! Phew! Now that we’ve survived 2020, it’s time to dust ourselves off and look forward to what 2021 has to offer. And wouldn’t it be awesome if we could actually have a hint of what’s to come, you know, to sort of prepare ourselves? Unfortunately, looking into the future isn’t an actual skillset we have, so we just have to rely on some positive thinking and hope that our 2021 is going to turn out great!
So take the quiz and see which 2020 K-pop song (okay, so not fully dusted off yet) has the lyrics that could potentially indicate things to come. Also, stay safe in 2021!
Note: Credits to Color Coded Lyrics for the English-translated lyrics.
Which song did you get? And how are you doing so far in 2021? Let us know in the comments below!
Belinda_C hopes 2021 will be better than 2020! Talk dramas, SEVENTEEN, and Shinhwa with her on Twitter!