Update: Park Eun Suk's Agency Responds To Reports That He Abandoned His Previous Pets; Actor Shares Statement
Updated January 27 KST:
Park Eun Suk posted on Instagram on the evening of January 27 with the following message:
Hello, this is Park Eun Suk. First, before I write anything, I sincerely apologize for causing further concern although I could not be of help during this already difficult time.
I am so sorry for causing confusion throughout the day to everyone, including people who support me and people who criticize me, over the issue about me and my past pets.
I do not want to make a denial regarding the dissolution of adoption. It’s true that it was wrong to have been unable to take responsibility for a life until the end. I’m acknowledging that something that was wrong was wrong. I am aware of it and am reflecting. This is because I have to change first for the perception about pets to change and for people like me who didn’t know the seriousness of it to potentially become aware too. I don’t want to make excuses.
Thankfully, my acquaintances have uploaded news about the pets that are being raised by them instead of me, showed the good environments in which they live, and showed that they are living well. That does not mean that it erases my wrong. I feel very sorry and personally ache too over the fact that I couldn’t take responsibility for them until the end. I had thought that I had a sense of responsibility but that was a selfish thought that only applied to myself.
My mindset has changed through this and I thank everyone who enlightened me. In regard to my past mistakes, I will work hard to show you a better version of myself.
I have had to work since this morning so please understand that this is why I am only posting now. I will leave the comments open. I want to receive any kind of advice, even if it is harsh. However I would be grateful if you give advice only regarding me, without mentioning my pets and the pets who are currently living as part of other families.
You’ve done a good job today living your life and protecting your family. I once again bow my head in apology over today’s issue.
Thank you.
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Park Eun Suk’s agency Hunus Entertainment has released an official statement in response to recent reports that the actor habitually abandons his pets.
Recently, Park Eun Suk appeared in “Home Alone” (“I Live Alone”) and introduced his three-month-old Golden Retriever puppy Molly and two Sphynx cats Mohae and Mohani.
After the episode aired, one netizen who claimed to be the actor’s fellow graduate made a post saying, “He once nonchalantly shared that he swapped a beagle for a smaller dog because his girlfriend didn’t like it. But he came on a program about people who live alone (‘Home Alone’) with two cats and a three-month-old puppy. What happened to that small dog…? I get that his work is a reward for his results, but I hope he’ll stop acting as if he’s an animal lover. I hate people who treat animals as objects or use them for rebranding.”
Several fans who knew Park Eun Suk during his days as a theater actor pointed out the matter as well. One fan said, “I don’t know where his two cats that lived with him in the half-basement room went. In 2016, he raised a Toy Poodle named Rosie, and in 2011, he also raised a Shar Pei named Isabella. There was also a large dog named Daisy and a hedgehog. It’s scary because it looks like he only raises them for a year or two and then abandons them.”
Park Eun Suk left an explanation on his fan cafe regarding allegations of habitual abandonment.
He said, “I’m sorry to have caused you a lot of worry. There are many times when a controversy comes out when people are too busy, and people start attacking you. It’s intriguing and stunning that this is happening to me. First off, I’d like to apologize for causing concern to the members of the fan club.”
He continued, “My pets are growing up well. The official explanation will be released today, so don’t worry too much. I’m flustered that I have to explain the false remarks of people who claim they know me, but since people are worried, I will be releasing a statement. I always appreciate your interest and affection.”
The full statement from Hunus Entertainment reads as follows:
Hello, this is Hunus Entertainment.
We would like to deliver our official stance regarding Park Eun Suk’s pets.
First of all, thank you for your great interest and love towards the actor, and we apologize for causing you concern about the current controversial situation.
However, after confirming the details, the suspicions related to his pets are not true at all, and we would like to explain the current situation that is being distorted.
First of all, the poodle was a pet dog that Park Eun Suk raised with his grandmother at her house, where he came to live when he first arrived in Korea.
Then the actor became independent and lived alone at the time, so he raised an Old English Sheep Dog and two cats. He then entered the company’s accommodation due to his difficult situation, and he wasn’t able to raise any pets at the dorm.
He was heartbroken by the inevitable situation, but after deep consideration, he sent his dog to an owner who had a home with a large yard. The same thing happened to his cats as well. They were sent to an acquaintance who knew about his situation and expressed their wish to raise them. They are still keeping in touch, and he checks to see they’re in good health.
After that, Park Eun Suk left the company’s accommodation and moved to a half-basement room. At that time, because his grandmother was old and couldn’t take care of the poodle mentioned earlier, the actor became in charge of it again. However, he wasn’t able to raise the dog in such an environment for a long time, so he sent it to a female relative. The poodle is still doing well under her care.
Park Eun Suk is an actor who loves animals more than anyone else. He knows that he has to take responsibility for his pets until the end, so he is still sorry for not being able to do that due to the unavoidable circumstances. He still interacts with his relatives and acquaintances who are taking care of his previous pets.
Once again, we apologize for this, and Park Eun Suk said that he will use the previous incidents as a learning opportunity in order to make sure this won’t happen again.
Finally, the allegations of Park Eun Suk obtaining animals from a pet shop and the reports related to the beagle are not true at all. His pets were adopted through acquaintances and family members, and he never raised a beagle before. It is a pity that there are posts distorting the truth.
We would like to inform you that we will take legal action in the future against false posts and slander.
We will always heed the feedback you provide for our actors, and they will continue to work hard in acting with a humble attitude.