Update: Former gugudan Members Nayoung, Mimi, And Soyee Write Letters Announcing Departure From Jellyfish Entertainment
Updated April 1 KST:
Following Mimi’s and Soyee’s letters, former gugudan member Nayoung has shared her own statement announcing that she has parted ways with Jellyfish Entertainment as well.
Nayoung’s full letter is as follows:
Hello, this is Nayoung.
First, I sincerely thank you for giving your love to gugudan and caring for us.
I ended up writing this letter because I wanted to personally convey the news to the fans who are curious about my future activities.
After a long discussion, I have ended my exclusive contract with Jellyfish Entertainment.
Thans to the Danjjaks [gugudan’s official fandom] who always gave us their unsparing love and support, I was so happy that I couldn’t have asked for anything else.
Thanks to all of you, I was able to dream, and I was able to achieve that dream.
In the future, I plan to move forward while heading towards a new dream.Because I don’t want to hurt all of you, who helped me and made it possible for me to have this good experience, I will repay you by showing you a better Nayoung in the future.
I ask for all of your love and support.
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Original Article:
Former gugudan members Mimi and Soyee have parted ways with Jellyfish Entertainment.
On March 31, Mimi and Soyee took to Instagram to write letters for their fans announcing their decision to leave the agency.
Jellyfish Entertainment announced back in December 2020 that gugudan would be disbanding, although the agency would continue to promote the members’ individual activities in music and acting.
Mimi wrote:
Hello everyone, this is Mimi. It’s been a long time since I’ve greeted you.
I said that I would speak soon, but instead I made Danjjak [fan club name] worry about the lack of news. I’m so sorry. There were things I needed to take care of, so I couldn’t communicate much.
It’s late, but I’m writing this letter now because after a long period of thought, I have decided to end my contract with Jellyfish Entertainment.
I wanted to show more of what gugudan could do, so I have a lot of regrets. One of the reasons I haven’t written until now was because it would feel too real that it was the end of gugudan. That’s why I wasn’t able to say goodbye properly or write anything.
But this isn’t the end but a new beginning. Since I can depend on Danjjak, who will cheer me on and trust me no matter what, I’m going to slowly try out some things I wanted to do and take on some new experiences as I communicate with fans more.
Thank you for making precious memories with me that I wouldn’t trade for the world, and let’s make more precious memories together. Please look forward to my future activities and cheer me on. Thank you!
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Soyee wrote:
Hello, this is Jang So Jin [real name].
For the first time in a while, I’m here with some new information.
This March, I have ended my contract with Jellyfish Entertainment and decided to make a fresh start. I wanted to share this news first with fans, so I’m writing this letter on social media.
Thank you again and again to our precious Danjjak, who have watched over us and stayed by our side until now. I have a lot of regrets and apologetic feelings to Danjjak, but… It was thanks to Danjjak that we could shine, and I was happy that we could laugh together.
I’m going to grow as I take on new experiences in a broader range of fields. I’ll ask for your unchanging support in future as well! Please continue to cheer on the lovable gugudan members as we each grow in our own individual places.
The cold winter has passed by, and somehow it’s become the flowering spring again. I’ll pray that we only experience happy things, without any worries, during this warm spring.
More than anything else, please don’t forget to take care of your health!
Goodbye for now.
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