6 ITZY Concepts That Make Them The Ultimate Girl Crush
For the past two years, ITZY has successfully established a name for themselves as K-pop icons. This is mainly due to their fierce girl group image that comes with assertive lyrics and badass themes.
With five title tracks under their belt and counting, Yeji, Lia, Ryujin, Chaeryeong, and Yuna have shown the music industry why their concepts make them the ultimate girl crush. This being said, let’s dissect the artistic essence of ITZY (And yes, all of their concepts are featured)!
To make a stellar first impression, ITZY shows their present and future fans exactly what they’re made of: Fierceness, confidence, and originality. The members advocate self-love and self-assertiveness and encourage listeners to take a stand and push for their identity as opposed to what the rest of the world wants them to be. The lyrics along with their popping choreography pass on the message without fault.
2. “ICY”
Staying true to their initial message, ITZY kicks it up a notch to voice their indifference towards what others say behind their back. While their attitude seemingly portrays them as ice cold, the girls know that they’re fiery deep inside. This fresh twist in style shows a colorful concept combining ITZY with lively pop art, as if they’re straight out of a comic book from the 1950s.
Just when you’d think ITZY has said it all, they come back for more. The group tackles the “wannabe” vs “want to be” dilemma where they go into full rebel mode to declare that they choose to be themselves and shout it for the world to hear. This statement is delivered through what seems to be a fluorescent fashion-based time travel panorama. And of course, let’s not forget about the dashing shoulder key point dance!
4. “Not Shy”
Things keep getting wild for these ladies. ITZY leaves their edgy signature behind and goes full cowgirl in this one, with the attitude definitely following. As they drift through the desert, the members leave their shyness behind for the sake of obtaining what they want. They have something specific in mind and are not afraid to go to great lengths to claim it. Despite the bumpy ride, the ending is surprisingly sweet.
5. “In the morning”
It seems like dangerous themes are becoming ITZY’s cup of tea. This new mafia-inspired take reveals a whole new side of the members: intimidating all while being unapologetically themselves. This is the group’s darkest concept yet, and the combination of their lyrics and choreography is truly fascinating. One thing’s for sure: this hit undoubtedly works as a wakeup call to one’s surroundings!
6. “MIDZY”
While not being an official comeback, this fan-dedicated song sheds a whole new light on ITZY: delicacy, warmth, and, as they have repeatedly stated, gratitude. “MIDZY” was released both in Korean and in English to address the group’s fandom all over the world. A similar soft concept for their next comeback would perhaps blow minds just as their previous badass releases have!
Which ITZY girl crush concept is your favorite? Let us know in the comments below!
Esmee L. is a Moroccan lively dreamer, writer, and Hallyu enthusiast.