Prosecution Requests 5-Year Prison Sentence For Seungri
On July 1, the 25th hearing was held at the military court for Seungri, who has been indicted for nine charges.
The nine charges are violation of the Act on the Aggravated Punishment, etc. of Specific Economic Crimes, violation of the Food Sanitation Act, embezzlement, violation of the Act on Special Cases Concerning the Punishment, etc. of Sexual Crimes, habitual gambling, violation of the Foreign Exchange Transactions Act, prostitution mediation, purchase of prostitution services, and special violence instigation. Seungri denied all charges except for violation of the Foreign Exchange Transactions Act.
At the hearing on July 1, the military prosecution requested a sentence of five years in prison along with a 20 million won (approximately $17,650) fine for Seungri.
The military prosecution explained, “The defendant committed crimes continuously over several years. He used Korean women to mediate prostitution to foreign investors for his personal financial gain, and he also maintained relationships with them through gambling. Although the defendant gained the largest profit from these crimes, he is not reflecting for the major crimes and laying responsibility on others while saying that he is not involved.”
The final sentence will be determined at the sentencing trial on a future date that will be determined by the court.
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