Go Eun Ah, Heo Young Ji, Lee Mi So, And Son Soo Ah Cast In Upcoming SBS Sitcom
On August 10, SBS’s Mobidic Studio announced that Go Eun Ah, Heo Young Ji, Lee Mi So, and Son Soo Ah had been cast in their upcoming short-form sitcom “I Want to Live an Easy Life” (literal translation).
Based on a webtoon of the same name, the sitcom centers around three women in their 30s who want to be rich but don’t want to work hard, are comfortable being alone but hate being lonely, and want to life an easy life but can’t seem to take life in stride.
Go Eun Ah has been cast in the role of Oh Ri, who pretends to be a melancholy outsider but actually is very warm and affectionate on the inside. This will be Go Eun Ah’s first return to acting in four years. She said, “I’m looking forward to playing my first character who naturally shows who she is. I decided to take the role just three hours after I read the script for the first time.”
Heo Young Ji has been cast in the role of So Nya, a professional “hobbyist” who is always looking for new hobbies to try. She is an aesthete who can’t resist something that’s beautiful, and she easily becomes a fan of anyone, man or woman, who is handsome or beautiful. The actress said, “I didn’t know who was playing who when I read the script, but I thought that So Nya was the most similar to me.”
Lee Mi So has been cast as Park Bang Wool, a socially withdrawn introvert. Despite being introverted, she takes care of the others as the eldest member of the four women. She is uncomfortable under the eyes and attention of other people, but once she is disturbed, she can react in unpredictable ways.
Son Soo Ah has been cast as “Prairie,” a freelance illustrator. She is a hypochondriac who is obsessed with her fragile health and is also deep into fortune-telling and astrology.
“I Want to Live an Easy Life” will premiere sometime around the end of this year.
Check out Heo Young Ji in the drama “Another Oh Hae Young” below: