Kim Jong Kook Donates 70 Million Won Of His YouTube Income To Good Cause
Kim Jong Kook has donated all the proceeds from several of his YouTube videos to a meaningful cause!
Back in June, Kim Jong Kook launched his own YouTube channel (punnily entitled “GYM JONG KOOK“), and it was an instant hit. Just two months and a handful of videos later, the workout-focused channel had already made Forbes Korea’s annual list of the 20 celebrity YouTube channels estimated to have raked in the highest earnings over the past year.
Last month, Kim Jong Kook promised his subscribers, “Since [my channel] achieved these amazing results through the help of many people, I think it would be even more meaningful if all this love and interest led to something good, so that the positive influence of everyone who loves exercise can shine even brighter. I plan to donate the entirety of my YouTube channel income derived from this month’s five videos, minus the production costs.”
On September 8, Kim Jong Kook revealed that he had kept that promise by donating a total of 70 million won (approximately $59,944) to two hospitals. The star donated 50 million won (approximately $42,817) to Seoul’s Samsung Medical Center and 20 million won (approximately $17,127) to Hyewon Medical Foundation’s Sejong General Hospital. His donations will go towards the treatment of patients facing financial hardship and young patients with heart problems.
In his announcement, Kim Jong Kook wrote, “Hello! This is Kim Jong Kook! I’m a bit late, but [I’ve made] the donation that I promised to all of you last time! Hoping that my donation would be used for a good cause, I made my decision [on where to donate] carefully!”
“Because this is a donation that I made with all of your support and dedication, it was especially meaningful,” he continued. “I hope that all of you will have a healthy day! Once again, thank you to all the subscribers who were part of this good deed!”
Watch Kim Jong Kook on his variety show “My Little Old Boy” with English subtitles here…
…and on “Running Man” below!