Apink's Chorong Releases New Statement After Her School Violence Accuser Claims Her Agency's Initial Report Was False
Both Apink’s Chorong and her accuser have released new statements regarding their long-running legal case.
This past November, Apink’s agency IST Entertainment shared an update on the legal proceedings and announced that the informant, who is also Chorong’s childhood friend, was found guilty on charges of making threats on false information and would be forwarded to the prosecution.
On December 2, the informant (hereafter referred to as “A”) released a statement claiming that the initial statement above was false. A introduced themselves as the person involved in Park Chorong’s school violence case and shared, “Although the verdict has not come out yet, Park Chorong’s side released a report with false information. Park Chorong’s side said that [I] was sent to the prosecution after being found guilty on charges of making threats on false information, but that’s not true.”
A explained that among the defamation and blackmail charges filed by Park Chorong’s side, the defamation charge was dismissed after they were cleared of suspicion. The blackmail charge was sent to the prosecution but A claimed that it was revealed the threats were not made with false information, insisting they were harmed once again by Park Chorong’s side claiming otherwise.
A continued, “If the school violence was a false accusation, shouldn’t I have been indicted for the defamation by false information charge first? I don’t know why they released their statement cleverly omitting the fact that I was acquitted of the defamation by false information charge.”
Adding on, A commented, “This is definitely not a lie. I will maintain [my side as] the school violence victim until the end. A also attached the police’s comments on the prosecution’s decision of no charges due to lack of evidence. The statement reads, “Seeing how ‘B,’ who was there at the time, stated that they remember Park Chorong not attacking the accused, but cannot specifically explain the date, place, and people present at the time, it appears as if they are friends with Park Chorong and are making a favorable statement. If you combine all the similar truths, the claims of the accused that they were assaulted by Park Chorong and others in high school cannot be distinguished as true or false and with Park Chorong’s claims alone, it is not enough to confirm the truth of the accused but there is no other evidence to overturn the claims of the accused.”
A shared, “The assault from Park Chorong in my school days has remained as an unforgettable scar. I will take all legal responsibility with a tough response against Park Chorong, who without a sincere apology, is using her special status as a celebrity to carry her top agency on her back and shamelessly report incorrect statements to drive public opinion, as well as Park Chorong’s attorney Taerim, and against those who release false facts on various online communities and write malicious comments, who are attacking me for the second time as if the initial assault wasn’t enough.” They announced that they’ve been collecting evidence of hate comments and the spreading of false information since March when this legal battle began. A added, “I will respond without mercy until the very end.”
On the same day, Park Chorong released a statement in response through her agency, from the law firm in charge called Taerim. Read the statement below:
Hello. This is Taerim, the law firm in charge of legal representation for Apink’s Park Chorong (hereafter referred to as “client”). This is with regards to our client’s case.
Recently, after a long police investigation, informant ‘A’ was forwarded to prosecution after they were found guilty of making threats on false information regarding personal life and more against our client. This is an undeniable criminal procedural fact.
Even in the present, after A was found guilty of blackmail and sent to prosecution, they are causing harm subsequent to their blackmail by once again giving statements about the situation to the press.
Regarding this, this law firm will hold them responsible and work until the very end so that A must take heavy legal responsibility for their threats.
In addition to the blackmail charge, regarding the prosecution’s decision, we express regret that they are only making claims advantageous to them. Like this law firm shared in our original statement, aspects related to school violence are currently at the police level so it was determined that we cannot confirm whether there was any. In accordance with the Criminal Law Principle, in a situation where authenticity hasn’t been confirmed, the responsibility of proving the allegations is on the plaintiff (Park Chorong) so this is merely a decision not to appeal this part.
This law firm will do their best to make sure that in addition to the blackmail charge that has already forwarded A to prosecution, other charges will be added no matter what to ensure they must take heavy legal responsibility.
Along with this, regarding the fact that the informant sued our client on charges of false accusation in response to our complaint, through police investigation, this law firm will sufficiently explain the harm that our client has received as a result of informant A and that our client’s complaint is the truth. As soon as the investigation results of the false accusation are released, we will release a statement regarding the results right away. Thank you.