Watch: 2AM Tests

JTBC’s “Knowing Bros” (also known as “Ask Us Anything”) has shared a fun sneak peek of its upcoming episode featuring 2AM!

On January 8, the popular variety show aired a preview of next week’s episode, which will feature 2AM as guests. The clip begins with the four 2AM members harmonizing using their names, before Jo Kwon playfully boasts about the quality of their live singing, using a common Korean expression: “We always swallow the CD whole.”

After 2AM proves his point with live renditions of several of their hit songs, including “This Song” and “Can’t Let You Go Even If I Die,” the “Knowing Bros” cast members hilariously attempt to show off their own vocal harmonies.

2AM goes on to put the “Knowing Bros” cast’s musical skills to the test, facing off against the members as they test their range, rhythm, breathing, ability to sing high notes, and even their dancing.

2AM’s episode of “Knowing Bros” will air on January 15 at 8:40 p.m. KST. In the meantime, check out the full preview below!

Watch full episodes of “Knowing Bros” with English subtitles here:

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