LOONA's HeeJin, Kim Lip, JinSoul, And Choerry Sign With New Agency After Winning Lawsuits Against BlockBerryCreative
LOONA’s HeeJin, Kim Lip, JinSoul, and Choerry found a new agency to call home!
On March 17, Modhaus shared the following statement:
Hello, this is Modhaus.
On March 17, 2023, we signed an exclusive contract with former LOONA members Jeon Hee Jin (HeeJin), Kim Jung Eun (Kim Lip), Jung Jin Sol (JinSoul), and Choi Ye Rim (Choerry). Modhaus wishes them all the best of luck on their new beginnings, and we promise to give them our full support so that they can create more cherished memories with their fans.
We ask for your continued support and love for Jeon Hee Jin, Kim Jung Eun, Jung Jin Sol, Choi Ye Rim. and Modhaus.
Thank you.
Back in November 2022, it was reported that nine members of LOONA (HeeJin, HaSeul, YeoJin, Kim Lip, JinSoul, Choerry, Yves, Go Won, and Olivia Hye), excluding Chuu (who was removed from the group in November), HyunJin, and Vivi, had filed injunctions to suspend their contracts with BlockBerryCreative. Earlier in January 2023, the Seoul Northern District Court Civil Division 1 determined that four members—HeeJin, Kim Lip, JinSoul, and Choerry—have won their lawsuits against BlockBerryCreative while the remaining five—HaSeul, YeoJin, Yves, Go Won, and Olivia Hye—have lost.
HeeJin, Kim Lip, JinSoul, and Choerry, whom the judge ruled in favor of, were on the same contract terms as Chuu, who previously won a lawsuit for suspension of the exclusive contract. The remaining five members agreed to the addendum agreement proposed by BlockBerryCreative at the end of 2021 and have not yet been able to suspend their contracts.
Last month, ViVi and HyunJin also filed injunctions requesting to suspend their contracts with BlockBerry Creative. Reports say that ViVi and HyunJin’s contracts have the same conditions as the four contracts that were successfully suspended, making it likely that they win their lawsuits.
Wishing all the best for the LOONA members on their new start!